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Should I call

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11 minutes ago, xtrnuno41 said:

Why another guy has to call you? She knows your number, facebook and so on.

Why she doesnt call you? I wouldnt trust this and forget about it, could be as well a scam.

A hack on your phone? It doesn't make sense to me.

possibly she's now unable to actually Speak??   

    hint - the throat operation photo the OP received...   


and maybe she can't write English anyway

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6 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


Seriously, you should move on, especially after she fleeced you, I would bet my left one that the visa guy cancelled the tickets on her behalf/request, and gave her the money and took a little commission, i.e. if he booked them with your money. I saw a similar scenario a while back, however guy was married, nothing to do with tickets, but upping the price of an item and her putting the extra in the pocket, did I mention, she is married to the farang, they are cunning creatures, you MUST have your wits about you. 



How do you know that, because she told you, perhaps it was an operation for something else like a Thyroid or as I said something else, non life threatening and will recover, maybe a little richer thanks to all her farang contacts.


Most guys are suckes and aren't man enough to know when to say NO, its ok to say no, not suggesting you are a sucker, but unless I was there to ask the Dr questions, or got a letter from the Dr of her condition, wouldn't be interested, meaning, only if I was with her then and there, a girlfriend of some years was good to me, but it didn't work out and we parted on good terms, would I assist her if she asked for money, that said, sorry to be cruel, time to wake, and the only way your going to is by baiting her, i.e. make the call, play the sympathy card with her and LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN, I will bet my left one on it, she will say, at the appropriate time when she reals you in, i.e. after saying I just wanted to apologise that I let you down before, it was very difficult for me, and so on and so forth, and then........here it comes, she will say something on the lines of "the Dr's say their is an experimental drug, or a drug that can help me or make me better, pauses, then,  but I have no money, pause, she might not directly ask you for it after a few pauses of silence, waiting for your response, if you don't respond then she will ask you for the money, "financial help", are you a good listener, or a sucker ?


She is not your responsibility, why on earth would she be asking you for milk, because she milked the cow once before, sorry to be brutal, but it's the truth, learn from your past mistakes, with this girl and others and the ones in the future, your not a sucker anymore, time to grow from experiences, make the call and see if I am right, at least that way you will know, who knows after the call you might say, I owe you a beer next time your in Oz ????


So who is the farang guy, is he in on it, is he her latest boyfriend or another sucker carrying on her requests, thinking he is doing her a favour, can you call my old time friend George in Oz and let him know I am dying, he probably fell for it, and he makes the call, paying for it, and now you are going to pay for the call to her, why, because either she can't afford to make the call, which I doubt, but if you call, she will think, he still has milk for me, lots of scammers here and they don't give a rats, she is coming from a different angle, sounds better than the old beaten to death, mumma and pappa buffalo sick or die and have no money, need buffalo to plow the land to grow rice.


I wonder how many farangs from the past she has had this guy call, regardless mate, she never gave a rats about you, scammed you once before over the visa, also tickets no doubt, who paid for those, did you book them direct or was the money sent to her, or did you get the agent to book them, you have to put all of the pieces in front of you together. Who the F is she to you, did she ever give a rats about you, NO, she left you high and dry, accept the fact, now could be a good time for you to stick it back to her, what does that mean, well if your a good LISTENER, during the call, you should be able to pick up on key things, and if you feel she is full of S-hit, then say ok I will send you money, how much, keep it going along until you satisfied and then let the line drop, e.g. hang up and turn the phone off, and the next time you turn it on, no doubt you will have a volley of txt's with her account details, she thinking your battery died, then delete here number.


Be interested to know if I got one on the board or not.


Best of luck, and if I am wrong, you can wish her the best, and tell her no have money if she asks for it and move on, life's full of this, if you knew her and she was good to you, didn't scam you, then I would say help, but this girls use by date could be over either way, but doubt it.


Last but not least, you can ask, what hospital treated her, and how long ago, and if she still goes there for treatment, she if she is hesitant or gets all stroppy when asking questions, and if you have enough information, you could ask the hospital if she was there with the corresponding dates and if they ask why do you want to know, well you can say she told me she is sick and needs money, but I don't want to send her money unless I know it's true, if they agree to tell you what she had good, but don't tell them what she told you, if asked, just play stupid, she didn't say, she just said she velly sick and need money. It could work and if it does, you will find out if she is telling the truth or lying, but I know one thing, it's not your problem, unless you want to make it yours.

Sounds like you've been burned a few times, so I understand your long reply.

But really, suggesting the OP call her to play mind games with her or others is going too far IMO. It's possible the OP will just engender more guilt and bad memories to go with the ones he has now. He owes her nothing and it's been over for quite a while.

The OP should just let it go and a few days Iater be surprised at how quickly he forgot the whole incident. Just my worthless opinion.

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20 minutes ago, tifino said:

possibly she's now unable to actually Speak??   

    hint - the throat operation photo the OP received...   


and maybe she can't write English anyway

Hint ... he got a number to call her on, if she cant speak it would be quit conversation.

Hint  he had messenger conversations, so is able to understand English.

OK dont care as in the past she was playing , so why not now.

The action of the OP is already mind blowing. Why he still would be interested and be concerned?

Surely i wouldnt.


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Compassion and Scamming aside, from your tale, objectively this person clearly deserves nothing from you. Screams SCAM actually.......


For future or newbies, I cannot recommend more highly a  Zero Tolerance Longterm GF Policy, which I reckon in this case would have prevented this doomed relationship getting anywhere near the Xmas visit stage......

any single first criticsm, money mention, negative comment / event / gesture and shes at once dimissed , gone, finito.......

ZT must be preceded by Criteria ; Educated, Good Character , Stable Temperament, Disciplined, Clean, Smart, Weight Normal, Natural Attentiveness, No Kids, No Divorced ......Semi Westernized Uni Grad ideally......


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59 minutes ago, xtrnuno41 said:

Why another guy has to call you? She knows your number, facebook and so on.

Why she doesnt call you? I wouldnt trust this and forget about it, could be as well a scam.

A hack on your phone? It doesnt make sense to me.

The other one needs help to support the buffalos. Can't pay the bill alone.

Buffalo has had already multiple beauty surgeries.

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55 minutes ago, BenDeCosta said:

I strongly suspect that this is some kind of money request. Personally, I would not call her, but then it might play on your mind later in life. If you call her and she asks for money, just hang up, because it's probably just part of a very elaborate scam.

If I would be her and if I would want money I would do something like this:

I wanted to hear your voice one more time before I die. I miss you and I know I treat you badly.

I have no money for a decent funeral. They will put me in a box and burn me on the same day.

bla bla ... if there would be a little money I could have a decent funeral ... but I don't want to ask you for money ...


Will he send her money for a nice funeral? I bet he would.

Because otherwise he would think for the rest of his life what a bad guy he is (he thinks that, it's not my opinion).


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4 hours ago, starky said:

Where did it say she stole anything?  All  read was a bargirl that had multiple falangs and chose one and not another wouldn't be the first girl who did that. Hardly makes her a thief.

  Unlike apparently all the virtuous TVF readers who would have never done the wrong thing by a bar girl, or promised them the world, or <deleted> them over, or beat them up,  or treated then like <deleted>, and have never lied to them or was seeing multiple bar girls all at the same time. Please give me a break.  In this story we have heard exactly one side of it. 

  The part I took away from it is a guy that stayed up all night after hearing about a girl he used to have a connection with. Everybody else's assumptions about her don't enter into it. It's a phone call f   f  s


I will agree with all of your points, it's a dog eat dog world in the bar scene, surprised you know more than most, but in this situation  i believe is what's behind the call, that is the problem, e.g. I have already worked out this guys makeup, and he in my opinion wouldn't be able to read into it as I or you would. Call me overly cautious with women, through what I have seen and what I know, or believe I know, like I said, never been burnt by one because I don't wear my heart on my sleeve as most guys do and no when to say no with a smile, as I keep telling guys, it's ok to say no.


She stuck it to him by not going to Oz, he went to expense/time/costs to get try and get her there and she stuck it to him, didn't even answer his calls, maybe she was being polite and didn't want to go, maybe he was pushy, and yes I don't know the full story, but I know when I returned to collect mine, she was there at Bangkok airport waiting for me, so again, it all boils down to reading them, and maybe as I mentioned before, he can't read them, and regarding the cancer thing, I don't believe it is real, because I know a few people who have died of cancer and they didn't patch up things with people that parted in different ways, it's just part of life, she has an angle, I know, most know it, but maybe not you, call me a pessimist is you have to.


You would give her the benefit of the doubt, ok, but not me, when a women is done, she is done, why the hell would I want to call her, especially after she let me down, easy come, easy go, no need for her to apologise, which is highly unlikely of Thai's, loss of face and all.


At the end of the day, we will never know, unless he tells us if he made the call, and then, how the hell can he confirm that she is telling the truth, you just don't go there, like a mate of mine's wife played up on him 6 months into their marriage, he left her then said he was going back to her because she said it was a one off and it wouldn't happen again, she loved him, begged him. He asked me what I thought and I gave him my piece, straight between the eyes, e.g. a dog doesn't change it's colours, she did it again within 3 weeks, different guy, I mean how much pain do these guys want to go through ?


Agree it would only be a call f f s, for you and me, but for those not strong enough or none the wiser, it could cost them pain and more milking so to speak, guys seem to pity women, they will believe 99% of their made up stories, their good story tellers.


I might get a bit emotional when writing this stuff, call it angry, resentful, but have seen a lot of guys get done and it p-isses me off, not my problem but as you say f f s, but I will add to that, I don't like to see men as being weak when it comes to pu--y, because it's readily available everywhere, especially here. 

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Seems like the farang guy got your phone number from her, so she could have called you direct (if she can still speak) or text you if she wants to communicate. The cynic in me thinks you're gonna get hit up for cash. Also, I may sound insensitive but is she really dying?

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11 hours ago, caughtintheact said:

Same thing happened to a friend of mine. Got hooked on a girl, call her A, gave her money,. A found someone else, had a child..  A couple years later A's sister called him and told him A was very ill, likely to die without money to pay the doctors..  It was plausible, since A was a boozer and another sister had really died from a combination of drugs and booze.  My friend told the sister that he was sorry, and ended the conversation.   A few years later he came across a FB page which showed A alive and well at home with (what was left of ) her family. My friend now says he was glad he didn't believe the sister just because she said something.  If you want to help someone that has crossed you before, get some proof that the story is legit before you fork out any more cash.

Interesting, in effect another family member (of the lady originally involved - could be a man too) who is hoping, even at a late stage to get their fingers into the pie.


A Thai lady meets a Thai man and assumes the Thai man is wealthy because the father of the Thai man is a farang. (Could be any nationality involved.)


Thai lady & Thai man have a continuously on/off relationship for many years then all finished because the Thai lady suddenly passes away, natural causes.


Meanwhile waiting 'in the wings' is the loud ladyboy older brother of the now departed lady. Ladyboy decides to inject himself into the situation, approaches the Thai man and quickly/publicly asks for a very large amount of money so that the family connections between the two families can be nicely continued.

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Tell me either her last or first name. Or end of phone number or something. I know a girl in Pattaya that recently had a throat operation because of cancer. What are the chances it's the same one lol

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12 hours ago, BenDeCosta said:


I don't know how much time these people have spent in Thailand, but in my experience, Thais won't accept that anything they did was wrong and won't apologise.


Maybe it's not the time you spend in Thailand, but the company you choose to keep during that time?


I've had Thais apologize to me on multiple occasions.

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