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Health ministry faces public backlash after suggesting people wear masks at home


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double edge sword goin on here, trying to live the new normal !

How many virus cases in Thailand  come from family members !

Edited by riclag
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What I’m seeing now has uncomfortable parallels with 60/70s Southern Africa when independence brought some of the most corrupt and frankly'thick' incompetent leaders into power. I never thought I’d see again such rank stupidity and low IQ officials in charge….until now. If you Google average IQ in sub Saharan Africa it’s in the 60s (European average 100). While better than Africa here,it’s still below 100 (although some rural pockets are substantially lower) and with a dreadful PISA EDUCATIONAL tables placing. There is no meritocracy operating in government departments here as clearly evidenced by the never ending foolishness with this latest incarnation. 

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Weld 'em in their apartments,  shove pizza under the door, like Wuhan! look, they solved it! Long live the glorious Winnie the Flu! 100 more years!

(Now waiting for the knock on the door and extradition to Beijing...)

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1 minute ago, VBF said:

I realise this is off-topic but may I point out that certainly in UK, we EARN our pensions through a lifetime of contributions into the system.

Certainly not "on the take" for "handouts"!

....and what we get back is a pittance.

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9 minutes ago, Dazinoz said:


I had a Myanmar girlfriend for a time and was very surprised at discrimination levels against her from the Thais.

Thailand angst with Burma is history.

Ask a Thai woman what she thinks of philipino women. Be careful.

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7 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Did I not say that this would be a possible next move several weeks ago on another OP.  I was beaten down and chastised by many, but lo and behold here it rears it's ugly head, I hate to say ".........." so I wont.

Go on Ryan,,you know you want to.

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52 minutes ago, nchuckle said:

What I’m seeing now has uncomfortable parallels with 60/70s Southern Africa when independence brought some of the most corrupt and frankly'thick' incompetent leaders into power. I never thought I’d see again such rank stupidity and low IQ officials in charge….until now. If you Google average IQ in sub Saharan Africa it’s in the 60s (European average 100). While better than Africa here,it’s still below 100 (although some rural pockets are substantially lower) and with a dreadful PISA EDUCATIONAL tables placing. There is no meritocracy operating in government departments here as clearly evidenced by the never ending foolishness with this latest incarnation. 

Wow,in this day and age where ism's always trump the truth you are a brave man.Facts are facts and truth is truth,well written sir.

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8 hours ago, Crossy said:

And they are going to enforce this how exactly?


Bring on the Telescreens https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telescreen




Meanwhile one wonders why the header photo is of a BTS security guard assisting a blind passenger?


It's not ThaiVisa any more - it's 

8 hours ago, Crossy said:

And they are going to enforce this how exactly?


Bring on the Telescreens https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telescreen




Meanwhile one wonders why the header photo is of a BTS security guard assisting a blind passenger?


It's not "ThaiVisa" any more it's "Asean Now" so maybe their Editor and proof readers are having teething problems - I think we can expect more of the same nonsense for a while!

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5 hours ago, actonion said:

And banned travel during Songkran would have helped


And now we have an exodus of building site workers from Bangkok to contend with due to the short sightedness and ineptitude of this Government.



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Well, I bought myself masks for my ears; available online as bullsh1t protectors, model 00 (like the loo). Extremely relaxing and comfortable for anything coming from the government's press and other desks ;-) 

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The whole situation has gotten worse through the governments lack of appropriate action. I will not now or ever wear a mask in my own home. They are panicking now, as well they might, but there is a limit as to how much stupidity one can take, it stops for me at my front door.

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10 hours ago, TooMuchTime said:

oddly enough this is what California suggested and the libs thought it was a great idea

I thought you were Kidding.

Guess not!

Very contagious!


"LA County health officials recommend wearing masks indoors amid spread of Delta variant"


Wednesday, June 30, 2021 5:21AM

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2 hours ago, chalawaan said:

My Thai lady has a "good heart" but yes, horrific attitude toward the Burmese. Its even worse than the Brits vs Everyone else! 555


The wife, being Thai has a healthy hatred of anyone Asian, who is not Thai, and even more if they are not Buddhist.


With respect to the last statement, it's everyone else against the English. Even the Scots hate the English. I say even...it's because the English reputedly treat everyone else in the world with equal  disdain

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