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MP launches scathing attack on Thai PM: He's lost all credibility and faith - and where are missing vaccines?


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4 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

Hope this chap has asbestos underwear.


The pm, his henchmen and the full weight of the regime, along with the ultra-right-wing nationalists/monionettes, and government -funded web doxxers will be all over this guy.


The key to holding the regime responsible is transparency, the best disinfectant to the rampant corruption. 


Need more document leaks.

Problem is that the past has shown us that previous governments are as corrupt as this one. Maybe they will be a bitter better at handeling the pandemic. Best thing would be to let Prayut go on and ( i know its bad to say) that covid goes on too. Then when an election needs to be held they will be so unpopular that they will be utterly crushed. This will give the new government from the opposition more power to change things.


I think switching PM's now would not give them enough power. Prayut needs to mess up even more. The bad economics still have to emerge until there really is no way out anymore. Then strike. 


Anyway any change is better then none, but without sufficient power the next government will fail too and give this government a way back in.

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Over the years I have heard so many Asians in several countries in that region say things like "We need a strong leader".  That probably is true because they just did not grow up with the Western concept of law and democracy and voting.  They all in fairly recent had or still have kings, royalty, literally caste systems, spoken and overt or subtle.  One person one vote was not in their minds.  The ideas of ancient Greek Town meetings, representatives from different provinces for the rich the poor, the farmers, or whatever region just is not done.  Thailand was almost frozen by indecision just before Prayut took over.  So now, many think he had organizational skills.  Siiiiigh.  

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33 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

the Thai people chose to lead them in the democratic elections

"chose" or "rewarded monetarily" to vote for the pay master? There's a huge difference. 

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1 hour ago, ThailandRyan said:

My GF believes they were sold on the black market and onward in Hi-So circles. 

The Vaccines may, or may not be missing.

A full and quantifiable reply to this question asked should be forth coming

Silence would almost be an admission that the Vaccines had indeed gone missing, and with Government knowledge.


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