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Do you have a Plan B if Prayut imposes the Wuhan option?


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The moment they announce total lockdown with no chance out to buy foods, you'll see spikes in cases from people crowding in supermarkets panic buying for sure, with malls closed, supermarkets and makro are already crowded 

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In Wigan a designated person in each household was allowed to go out 2-3 times per week shopping for essential food and so forth. No one in the Thai government will be supplying you with food. 

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18 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

Don't use it as an excuse to panic buy loads of junk food

No just buy cases and cases of Mama Noodles like the Thais I saw in MAkro doing the other day with cases upon Cases of water and those Nescafe 3in1 coffee large packs.  Family of 4 with three carts and a trolley, all full.  Maybe they own a small market in a Soi and are preparing or maybe they know something we do not yet.

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1 hour ago, sucit said:

As long as they don’t turn the cable off I’m fine

It is a little wider than that though in reality..... we need the electric and water supplies, the nearby food markets, convenience stores and some need the local beer distributor. I hear the ice-cream seller outside, so all is not lost yet. 

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There will not be a Wuhan style lockdown. The areas hardest hit right now include those with all the major industrial estates. The country, and the companies in these areas, simply can't afford to be shut down. Some of the mega factories employ over 10,000 people each.

As OP states, the GOV is not competent enough to provide the basic essential services, so as mentally challenged as they are, they aren't quite deluded enough to think they could provide food and water to 70m people.

The current measures (perhaps a little more), and the common sense of the Thai people are about as much as can be managed right now.

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It's an unlikely scenario, if only because the government cannot be bothered to organize supplying each household with essentials for the duration. They could have a slightly different model that still allows you to go out for shopping on certain days only, based on your birthday or ID number (as seen in other countries).


I think they would also keep the delivery services up and running, so for me, the main reason to go out on a daily basis is to get some fresh air, sunshine and exercise - all of that is very important to stay healthy.


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