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Anutin speaks out on the unvaccinated possibly facing restrictions


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6 minutes ago, hottrader77 said:

You should read up on the vaccine , if you are double vaccinated you can still spread the covid virus , you can still get covid and you can still die from covid so double vaccinated must be selfish then in your view.

But less likely to get very sick and die, you should read up yourself , and stop reading conspirator <deleted>.

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14 minutes ago, jackdd said:

Obese people don't actively choose to be obese, its usually a food addiction, similar to somebody who is addicted to alcohol.

If you would offer an obese person an injection to get rid of 90% of their obesity they would take it.


If such an injection would exist, how would you call an obese person who wouldn't take it? Stupid? Mentally sick?

Gives you an idea what we think about people who refuse to get vaccinated, because contrary to an injection against obesity, an injection against covid exists.

That point about a hypothetical injection was excellent. 

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I don’t agree with most of Anutin’s policies but I will go along with him with a mandate to vaccinate 100% of Thais and foreign residents. Ireland demonstrated that even with one of the highest vaccinated population at 89.1%, outbreaks can still happen due to the small pockets of unvaccinated people. This small pockets of unvaccinated people can drive transmission and created miseries for others. This is now an epidemic of the unvaccinated. 

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17 minutes ago, James105 said:

78% of covid patients tying up these hospital beds are overweight or obese.   



what is a Obese people  ??  I am classed as obese, as of last wednesday at Hospital my normal appointment  I am 104 kg, that is less than when I was 18, born 14.5 UK pounds when born..  according to a Dr last year for my age and height my range should be 88 - 96 kg.... so for the last 53 years I have been 4 - 6 kg over weight ? = Obese  ??  ????

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15 hours ago, Dumbfounded said:

What do you mean by everything? I would think renewing your visa will become the catching point for most people that don't want the vax. Granted o/s and maybe regional travel might be restricted but you can shop for most things online if need be

They're talking about limiting access to just about everywhere. The number of unvaccinated non Thais that need immigration services is much lower than the number of Thais therefore if it was only no or limited access to immigration is not not a problem. 

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On 11/19/2021 at 11:38 AM, Pouatchee said:

I have no issues getting vaccinated. However, I do want to have a say in which vaccine I will jab into my body. I want nothing to do with the local Astrazaneca nor do I want anything to do with the Chinese <deleted> that is being forced upon all residents of Thailand... I am willing to pay for Pfizer or even Moderna... but here where I live neither are available.


Funny thing is... the government jabbed the Matayom school boys with Pfizer... might that have anything to do with the fact that they will likely soon be drafted into the army? The Video Star seems to be taking care of his own...

Like you, I am ok to receive a COVID vaccination, but I am waiting for Novavax a more traditional protein based vaccine.


I don't really want experimental mRNA or Viral Vector vaccines in my body based on known and unknown side effects both short-term or long-term.


And I am ok to pay for both primary and secondary Novavax vaccine doses.



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35 minutes ago, berrec said:


From your cited source, with my attention focusing on the last sentence below:


"How well it works on virus mutations: Novavax says the vaccine is 93% effective against “predominantly circulating variants of concern and variants of interest.” But it’s important to note that the study was conducted in the U.S. and Mexico, when Alpha was the predominant strain in the U.S., although other variants were on the rise. More data is needed to determine the effectiveness of Novavax against the Delta variant. "

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14 hours ago, dinsdale said:

It's known globaly that vaccination does not stop you from catching SarS-CoV-2 and spreading it. What it does do is dramatically reduce the chances of serious illness and death.

Was that before or after the definition of "vaccine" was quietly changed by the CDC ?

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7 hours ago, LukKrueng said:

They're talking about limiting access to just about everywhere. The number of unvaccinated non Thais that need immigration services is much lower than the number of Thais therefore if it was only no or limited access to immigration is not not a problem. 

What I'm getting at is if the Govt want every farang living here to be vaxed they can simply make it a requirement of your visa renewal, even though Anutin says no one should be forced. I don't have a problem with restrictions, I can accept that even if I don't agree with it. I guess soon it will only be vaxed people allowed into Tesco, Makro, etc so they can just spread it amongst themselves with lesser fear because if they do catch it, it will be from a vaxed person rather than an unvaxed, so thats got to be better

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10 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

I don’t agree with most of Anutin’s policies but I will go along with him with a mandate to vaccinate 100% of Thais and foreign residents. Ireland demonstrated that even with one of the highest vaccinated population at 89.1%, outbreaks can still happen due to the small pockets of unvaccinated people. This small pockets of unvaccinated people can drive transmission and created miseries for others. This is now an epidemic of the unvaccinated. 


mmm.....where have I heard that before?.....oh ya, "the science" cliche-festival...aka, MSM.


So, my wife tested (+) and is now in the hospital after contracting the Vid from her sister who came to CM for a shopping trip last week.

Where does that now leave me and my 2 kids? ....at home under a 14-day quarantine even though we tested (-) .

The contradiction to your pointed narrative is that my wife's sister, her husband,son & daughter in-law were all vaxed, husband double. Where are they now, yup, in the hospital.

Who has "created miseries" for whom?

Understand, that even if we were all "vaccinated" we would still be doing 14-days.


Did the family get the Vid from an unvaxed individual?....this I don't know....mmm.. chicken or egg???


The notion of vaccinating an entire population in hopes of arriving to Rainbow & Unicorn Land – a place where the buffalo roam virus free,is wishful thinking. It pays no attention to any scientific statistical evaluation.

'Mandates' are nothing more than pure power politics...and you are being played.


.........."You can't vaccinate yourself out of a pandemic." is proving to be a fact as time goes by.

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53 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Whatever the probability of transmission for vaccinated vs. unvaccinated is, the fact is that if you're vaccinated, you're far less likely to pose a burden on the public health system which is seriously overstressed in places.


Interesting study on that point just published by the U.S. CDC, looking at vaccinated vs unvaccinated infections, hospitalizations and deaths in the Pacific Northwest in 2021 amid Delta.


For every anti-vax-type anecdote that gets posted here, the actual credible scientific/medical research continues to show otherwise.






"Among persons aged ≥12 years enrolled in a Pacific Northwest health plan, unvaccinated persons with SARS-CoV-2 infection were approximately twice as likely to receive ED care or to be hospitalized than were vaccinated persons with COVID-19."


Note - they're not comparing the entire population in the hospitalization and death info presented here. They're just comparing the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups in that health system that BOTH happened to be diagnosed with confirmed COVID infections. So those comparisons don't deal with the folks who never contracted COVID, where the fully vaccinated would have had a major advantage in avoiding the virus in the first place.


" Unvaccinated persons with SARS-CoV-2 infection were more than twice as likely to receive ED care (18.5%) or to be hospitalized (9.0%) than were vaccinated persons with COVID-19 (8.1% and 3.9%, respectively). The crude mortality rate was also higher among unvaccinated patients (0.43 per 1,000) than in fully vaccinated patients (0.06 per 1,000)."


"Surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 infection was conducted within Kaiser Permanente Northwest (KPNW), an integrated health care system in Oregon and Washington. Persons aged ≥12 years with continuous health plan enrollment during the July 4–September 25, 2021 surveillance period were included."


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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1 hour ago, dinsdale said:

If you could show this change in definition with a source I would like to see it. 

...of course I can't find the damn link now that showed 'before and after', but here is the end result. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vac-gen/imz-basics.htm....it was,as I recall a subtle yet fundamental change of 'vaccine' definition by omitting the word "immunity" and replacing it with the word "protection". Having that in print may serve to protect an agency or manufacturer from liabilities. Not that they need it, since the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was passed in 1986, creating a no-fault compensation program ensuring that vax-manufactures would not be bankrupted by unending lawsuits.


It is a wide-spread talking point by health professionals and media claiming that the "vaccines"  are designed to "prevent illness and death" ( ? ), no one uses the word "immunity" now when defending the safety and efficacy of the Vid-vaccine.

From what I've seen recently the current vaccines on offer do seem to reduce the impact of infection, which aligns with "protection". However,they are also, on their own, being implicated in a wide gamut of side-effects and adverse reactions. In relation to that, the elephant in the room that is being totally ignored is that the virus uncovered just how sick people generally are, in terms of poor health, comorbidities, ect..  I'm almost beginning to think the vaccines are getting a bad-rap.....there are just so many factors in modern-day life that has retarded and compromised the average persons respiratory and immune systems. This whole viral <deleted>-storm maybe 6 of 1 and half-doz. of the other.....of course Im not figuring in the effects of politics and mass-formation phenomena.



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One thing that anti vaxxers, forget is that their parents were smart enough to get them

vaccinated when they were children. Vaccinated against, Polio, TB, Typhoid, Diphtheria,

 Small pox, and many other diseases that have killed and maimed lots of people in the 

past.  These people forget about people in the past like Typhoid Mary, who was a carrier,

but did not know that fact.   Getting a vaccine that will likely keep you from dying from COVID

is not a good enough reason for some people. Since it is mostly unhealthy or old people who

are dying from COVID, the freedom people who will not get a vaccination, will not take responsibility

if they do carry and pass on COVID to the other person, who dies from COVID.  This is the kind of world that we live in.

  I am just glad that some countries like Austria are getting serious about trying to control and defeat this virus.

    I am also happy that most countries will not allow people to come to their country if they have not been vaccinated.

        No one should have the right to willingly spread this killer virus, even if it is not as strong as Ebola, and the black

plague, or Spanish flu. That is my opinion anyway.


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1 hour ago, ATM1 said:

Dr Clare Craig





An Israeli team have done a good study here on vaccine side effects. They found the following increased risk 42 days post vax:


40% Appendicitis


43% Shingles


143% Englarged lymph nodes


224% Myocarditis


Tut, tut, tut, you're not allowed to speak badly about the vaccine.


Lets see how long this lasts ????

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9 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Contrary to what some people might think, the UK is not the world. And to get further into this, how long was the duration of stress imposed on the UK during these past events?

They call it 'winter pressures' - it happens every winter and has been going on for decades.


These days they normally they blame 'norovirus' and it's been closing hospital admissions in the middle of winter for a very long time.

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11 minutes ago, ukrules said:

They call it 'winter pressures' - it happens every winter and has been going on for decades.


These days they normally they blame 'norovirus' and it's been closing hospital admissions in the middle of winter for a very long time.

That doesn't address the issue of comparative severity, though.

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On 11/19/2021 at 3:39 PM, Geoffggi said:

Personally speaking I am double vaccinated, but am also of the opinion that the first part of the above is correct meaning you should not be forced into being vaccinated it is a personal choice, & vaccinated people can carry the virus just the same as unvaccinated people. 


I agree that business people should have the right to serve who they want and not be pressured into doing so by any government decree 



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On 11/19/2021 at 9:39 AM, Geoffggi said:

Personally speaking I am double vaccinated, but am also of the opinion that the first part of the above is correct meaning you should not be forced into being vaccinated it is a personal choice, & vaccinated people can carry the virus just the same as unvaccinated people. 


I agree that business people should have the right to serve who they want and not be pressured into doing so by any government decree 

Whatever the merits of that point, and i think they're feeble,  businesses should definitely not be forbidden to exclude customers who they feel pose a health threat to themselves or other customers. Several governors in the USA have explicitly forbidden businesses from doing so. Sometimes with the support of state legislatures. In one particularly flagrant case, the governor of Florida actually attempted to prohibit cruise companies from testing passengers for Covid before they were allowed to board their ships.

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On 11/18/2021 at 11:11 PM, redwood1 said:

So what's the point of this article....


I would say the point is to prime the pumps and getting people use to living in a possible medical apartheid state......


And every person who meekly bows down and shows their vax status to do something is going to be helping to make it worse and worse for everyone...

The same argument is being from the bowels of the internet daily via a thousand slick propaganda videos, without a single thread of logic to connect covid-19  vaccination with any form of social control or loss of freedom. The far right in the US calls in the "end of western civilization". No wonder people are so confused. Vaccination has been a part of all our lives for generations, to study, to go to a children's camp, for international travel.


The absolute hysterics over vaccination apps particularly unbelievable.


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On 11/20/2021 at 5:30 PM, Stargeezr said:

One thing that anti vaxxers, forget is that their parents were smart enough to get them

vaccinated when they were children. Vaccinated against, Polio, TB, Typhoid, Diphtheria,

 Small pox, and many other diseases that have killed and maimed lots of people in the 

past.  These people forget about people in the past like Typhoid Mary, who was a carrier,

but did not know that fact.   Getting a vaccine that will likely keep you from dying from COVID

is not a good enough reason for some people. Since it is mostly unhealthy or old people who

are dying from COVID, the freedom people who will not get a vaccination, will not take responsibility

if they do carry and pass on COVID to the other person, who dies from COVID.  This is the kind of world that we live in.

  I am just glad that some countries like Austria are getting serious about trying to control and defeat this virus.

    I am also happy that most countries will not allow people to come to their country if they have not been vaccinated.

        No one should have the right to willingly spread this killer virus, even if it is not as strong as Ebola, and the black

plague, or Spanish flu. That is my opinion anyway.


Absolutely ????

And just  to add to your point: What about those of us who over the years travelled to parts of the world that needed jabs, for, say, Yellow Fever etc.

I've got 2 books full of such records....why on earth would I not have a Covid vax?

Had 3, got the vaccine pass on paper and electronically....and proud of it. I'm also grateful that here in UK, I can get vaxxed so easily.

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The usual excessive time for approval is taken up with admin, meetings and other paperwork. With Covid it was all testing, done in parallel, not serially.  It's VERY well explained here Panorama The Race for a Vaccine (apparently also available on YouTube)

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