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Covid no match for Thailand, govt has enough vaccines, no need to go private: Anutin


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The more I see this double-act in action, the more I keep seeing them as 'The Two Ronnies" - the little wimpy one with the specs and the big, lumpy brash one who knows it all.

(Check The Two Ronnies on You Tube if you don't know them)

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48 minutes ago, Virt said:

The billionaire might have the vaccines ready, but does the warehouse have enough doses of the ones that provides the best protection?

I'd also be concerned if the warehouses had the proper facilities to store the ones that provide the best protection. 

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If the vaccines are effective against covid and I seriously doubt it.

World needs hope and that is mostly what these vaccines give.  Just look at the stock markets level

and housing prices in many countries.

Without hope, the politicians will be running to the hills.

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Then please get rid of the 1 day quarantine and also Covid test when entering Thailand. It's not necessary when there is already a 50K health insurance requirement

Edited by EricTh
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2 hours ago, Saanim said:

Do you truly believe that your views are the same as the views of Thai people? 

The Thais with half a brain utterly despise the pair of them. Brainwashable types lap up anything the utter tool of a health minister says. Hope omicron personally bites him right on the A. 

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Mr Anutin


I think you are bluffing


You have a poker hand of a 2, 3, 6, 8 and 10 in different suits


You are bluffing


You think you are holding a Royal Flush


Show your hand!


Oh Dear!!!  You Owe us!


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