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Pattaya police and immigration tighten surveillance on foreigners on overstay


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1 hour ago, bob smith said:

Thailand is now a fully fledged police state. Sad but true.

No, it is not! Just a risky place for foreigners overstaying or dealing drugs.


1 hour ago, it is what it is said:

Pattaya law enforcement and immigration have increased patrols on foreigners who may have overstayed in the city and are up to no good,


so, if you're up to no good, but are not an over stayer you've nothing to fear?! ????

Can´t read that in the news. Can you please point that out.

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2 minutes ago, mikebell said:

How can Pattaya Plod tell?  The only way is to stop & search; ask for passports; if no have, take to station.  Welcome to Thailand.  Wait till TAT hears about this!

Right, how many tourists who go to Thailand for a good time carry their passports with them all the time? It would be the last thing on their mind.

The cops dont even have a remote fingerprint scanner with them, which would help with this problem? Maybe they are just after money?????

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4 hours ago, it is what it is said:

Pattaya law enforcement and immigration have increased patrols on foreigners who may have overstayed in the city and are up to no good,


so, if you're up to no good, but are not an over stayer you've nothing to fear?! ????

and/or if you're up to good (whatever that may be) but have overstayed maybe nothing to fear?

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3 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Back in 2014 it was a military state, following an armed coup!

Yes indeed, I remember very clearly. I lived in a rural Isaan town where the military and police set up a sophisticated checkpoint on the main road outside our Tesco Lotus Supermarket. Every time I went shopping, I had to negotiate this checkpoint manned by armed soldiers and police. There was a Thai army "Humbee" with a roof mounted machine gun and an array of video cameras and satellite dishes. This was "red shirt" country so I suspected the authorities were looking for possible activists heading south to protest in Bangkok at that time.

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4 hours ago, mikebell said:

How can Pattaya Plod tell?  The only way is to stop & search; ask for passports; if no have, take to station.  Welcome to Thailand.  Wait till TAT hears about this!

Only police above a certain rank can ask to see your passport.

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This morning I went to immigration to get my 18th visa extension in their swanky new building, it was the first time I had been in it. To my surprise my normal officers with whom I have friendly relationships were nowhere to be seen. During the course of signing a 100 documents a woman officer pulled my wife aside and asked where I work ;-


Wife  "He doesn't work, he's retired"

IO  "How can he possibly get so much money each month from a pension"

wife  "He does, it is verified by the German embassy, you have the letter"

IO  "It just seems suspicious, an Englishman getting a large German pension, where did he work"

wife  " We have explained this in the past, we've been coming here for 17 years without problems, where are the usual officers?"

IO  "Since we have had the new big boss (big joke?) all officers get moved around to different IO offices to prevent familiarity which could lead to corruption"

wife (haunches up and claws out) "Are you accusing us of corruption"

IO   " No, no, no, of course not, it's just that these days we have to be very careful that we aren't lied to"               


wife   "check your computer and you will see how long we have been coming here"

IO    "No need for that, sorry, didn't mean to cause offence, the visa will be ready in 10 minutes"


So, looks like stricter times so dot the 'i's' and cross the 't's' but this being Thailand it's probably a flash in the pan, a new broom sweeps clean until tea break.



Edited by soalbundy
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22 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

This morning I went to immigration to get my 18th visa extension in their swanky new building, it was the first time I had been in it. To my surprise my normal officers with whom I have friendly relationships were nowhere to be seen. During the course of signing a 100 documents a woman officer pulled my wife aside and asked where I work ;-


Wife  "He doesn't work, he's retired"

IO  "How can he possibly get so much money each month from a pension"

wife  "He does, it is verified by the German embassy, you have the letter"

IO  "It just seems suspicious, an Englishman getting a large German pension, where did he work"

wife  " We have explained this in the past, we've been coming here for 17 years without problems, where are the usual officers?"

IO  "Since we have had the new big boss (big joke?) all officers get moved around to different IO offices to prevent familiarity which could lead to corruption"

wife (haunches up and claws out) "Are you accusing us of corruption"

IO   " No, no, no, of course not, it's just that these days we have to be very careful that we aren't lied to"               


wife   "check your computer and you will see how long we have been coming here"

IO    "No need for that, sorry, didn't mean to cause offence, the visa will be ready in 10 minutes"


So, looks like stricter times so dot the 'i's' and cross the 't's' but this being Thailand it's probably a flash in the pan, a new broom sweeps clean until tea break.



Cool story Bro.

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8 hours ago, VinnieK said:

These dastardly over-stayers again.

What surprises me though is that  despite the draconian repercussions these days, ppl still overstay.

I'm sure most of us know one or two who have jumped the shark.????



Sounds like the RTP need to update the Windows 7 software in the 'Smart' BMWs

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