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Iran said to promise Thailand to not target Israelis visiting country


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3 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Perhaps Iranians are the next group of tourists set to come here and rescue the tourist industry, like the Indians and Russians have done. Next target is the Ku Klux Klan. 

And the Azov Battalion.

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1 hour ago, Emdog said:

Ignorance is strong in this one. If you knew anything about the "hands $$" you would know

1. It was Iranian money frozen after 1979

2. It was part of the multi nation no nukes deal Iran signed and lived up to

3. It was Trump that "aided and abetted" that terrorist gov by tearing up the treaty, so now Iran is free to make as many nukes as it want

So what's the difference ???? mate ignorance or not its all the same US Did give money to lran ! Not just there money back as you say ! Well known fact politics is 1 dirty business they are all legal Mafia,  so I got up your ___ sorry to say ! Australia is just as stupid & l'm an Aussie 

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Well, ask Thai people; while politically incorrect these days I actually liked their straightforwardness in certain cases. 

The decent of Mohammed from the Middle East were not allowed into certain establishments; sign boards at the entrance read "we respect your culture and your values. Here we serve alcohol by staff without veils or beards". 
In Chiang Mai's downtown area I saw more than one sign saying in English (and most likely Hebrew which I cannot read) "Israel peeple no welcome, always trouble with bill and rude to staff". 
Some establishments (including my restaurant back in the day) would politely turn away mainland Chinese customers for them to change nappies on dining tables in a packed restaurant, burping, spitting and shouting around. Once they left you could almost renovate the restaurant and the rest rooms looked like godzilla just left after Montezuma's revenge! 

When in Rome then do as the Romans. So it must come as a tremendous relief that Iran will not blow their "arch enemy" by prescription out of the universe when the latter, the chosen people, should decide to leave the promised land for a sojourn in the Land of the semi-divine ...........  How comforting! 

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5 hours ago, Purdey said:

Naming Israelis only as not a target ignores American tourists who are at much risk of attack in response to the assassination of Iran’s Soleimani. When America assassinated him, it was warned that retribution would follow one day. 

Assassinate is a bit strong I think. If I killed/murdered a rabid dog who had killed hundreds if not thousands of people I would be inclined to be generous with the term euthinise his ass!!!

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3 hours ago, ezzra said:

if the old emojis were still in use i would have expressed my disapproval of your comment, Israel defend itself against billions of Arabs, Muslims and just Jews haters all over the world, what Iran has to be afraid off? Iran is state sponsoring  the Hezbollah, Hamas and other  terrorists splinter groups with billions of dollars and weaponry and bases, those who's sole quest is to destroy others...

Did Thailand not accuse Israel of assassinating 2 Saudi investigators who came to Thailand regarding stolen jewels ?

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What it rally means is that Iran will not directly target Israelis themselves.

They will simply "sub-contract" the job to locals using an intermediary so they can claim their hands are clean.

It's the same thing the PLO did in Palestine when they decided to go the "political" route as they weren't making any ground in wiping out Israel via the terrorist route.
They claimed to have given up terrorism but in reality just handed off the dirty work to groups led by young idealists eager to prove themselves.

The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is the same thing. Terrorists dating back to the late 1920s. They too decided to go "political" and hand off the terrorism work to "third party" groups so they could pretend to be non-violent.

(And as it is World Cup time and it's being hosted in Qatar it's worth noting that Qatar was/is a major sponsor of the Muslim Brotherhood, including the branches that are still "terrorist". But they also host a large US military contingent so people look the other way. Just like they did during the Arab Spring when Saudi Arabia, Bahrain (with Saudi assistance), the UAE and others violently put an end to the protests in their countries.)

Note that Iran (at least the religious whackos) refuses to disavow their pledge to annihilate Isreal. And here's a hint. It has absolutely nothing at all to do with Palestine. Iran doesn't give a toss about them. It's all about loathing the idea of a non-Muslim democracy in the middle of the "Muslim" empire.


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3 minutes ago, mania said:

Only the Israelis do target individuals abroad. They are a law under themselves but always cry & pretend to be victims.

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27 minutes ago, Kerryd said:

What it rally means is that Iran will not directly target Israelis themselves.

They will simply "sub-contract" the job to locals using an intermediary so they can claim their hands are clean.

It's the same thing the PLO did in Palestine when they decided to go the "political" route as they weren't making any ground in wiping out Israel via the terrorist route.
They claimed to have given up terrorism but in reality just handed off the dirty work to groups led by young idealists eager to prove themselves.

The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is the same thing. Terrorists dating back to the late 1920s. They too decided to go "political" and hand off the terrorism work to "third party" groups so they could pretend to be non-violent.

(And as it is World Cup time and it's being hosted in Qatar it's worth noting that Qatar was/is a major sponsor of the Muslim Brotherhood, including the branches that are still "terrorist". But they also host a large US military contingent so people look the other way. Just like they did during the Arab Spring when Saudi Arabia, Bahrain (with Saudi assistance), the UAE and others violently put an end to the protests in their countries.)

Note that Iran (at least the religious whackos) refuses to disavow their pledge to annihilate Isreal. And here's a hint. It has absolutely nothing at all to do with Palestine. Iran doesn't give a toss about them. It's all about loathing the idea of a non-Muslim democracy in the middle of the "Muslim" empire.


MBH is a BRITISH MADE ORG ,TILL THIS MOMENT MI6&MI5 harbouring them and granting few of them in London giving them protection and finances.Disgraceful BRITAIN. MY FKN £££FINANCING THEM 

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7 hours ago, AlQaholic said:

Rubbish. An Iranian official would never say "no longer", that would be an admittance that they have done this in the past, which Iranian officials would never do. When did anyone hear Iranian officials admit anything? It is always deny, deny and misdirect.

..."It is always deny, deny and misdirect"....Hm,...Isn't that the way of all politicians ???



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10 hours ago, Bim Smith said:

I would be careful who they are letting in the country in the first place. Just revoke all visas from Iran. Job done. 

Bigotry is out of character for Thailand, it's one reason I'm here. I've met some very nice and wonderful ordinary Iranian people here, who had not an ounce of negativity toward me as an American, though I would have understood if they did, they don't deserve to be unfairly targeted for things over which they have no control. I prefer them to closed minded sanctimonious xenophobes such as yourself.

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2 hours ago, Mickmouse1 said:

Only the Israelis do target individuals abroad. They are a law under themselves but always cry & pretend to be victims.

I see a difference between targeting specific enemies for cause vs  terrorism. 

Can you name such targeted hits by Israel IN THAILAND? If not, not relevant here.


To add, I don’t think you understand Israel. Their main thing is to do everything possible to NOT be victims. Been there done that.

Edited by Jingthing
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3 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

where in 1946, 91 people were murdered by Jewish terrorist bombers.

I can't help but wonder how many Iranians were tortured and murdered by the American and British puppet government's secret police, SAVAK, in Iran after the CIA and M16 overthrew Mohammad Mosaddegh 1953.

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4 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

Many subsequent leaders of Israel were themselves terrorists (Irgun). I suppose they needed to be if they were going to set up a European country in the Middle East. You might look up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, where in 1946, 91 people were murdered by Jewish terrorist bombers.

Don't see the relevance to this topic about activities in Thailand. 


Also the majority of Israeli citizens have non European roots.

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