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How Much of a trumper are You?

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On 4/8/2024 at 1:42 PM, Excogitator said:

Say what you will about Biden.. the Biden administration however, has done an excellent job, which is now reflected in strong jobs growth, rising GDP, and markets at record highs, stabilizing energy prices and managing to bring inflation back down again (a so called soft landing), countering putins vile aggression in Ukraine, trying to make the cost of energy unaffordable to the western world (and the rest of the world). A vote for Biden and his admin, is a vote for stability and continued growth as opposed to all the instability, insecurity and unpredictability that follows Trump..

Now that some of the current polling has Biden ahead i expect that the "pity" has left the building.

Extending a daily uptic accumulated with most recent lead as noted with racetothewh.com I agree that polls are irrelevant this far out. More important is the fundraising.

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On 4/8/2024 at 1:14 PM, proton said:
On 4/8/2024 at 1:07 PM, Jingthing said:

1000 times better than Trump.


Only to the deluded democratic voter who would vote for a donkey

...they did that last time and if they do it again they'll be stuck with a mare when Biden steps aside.

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On 4/8/2024 at 1:42 PM, Excogitator said:

Say what you will about Biden.. the Biden administration however, has done an excellent job, which is now reflected in strong jobs growth, rising GDP, and markets at record highs, stabilizing energy prices and managing to bring inflation back down again (a so called soft landing), countering putins vile aggression in Ukraine, trying to make the cost of energy unaffordable to the western world (and the rest of the world). A vote for Biden and his admin, is a vote for stability and continued growth as opposed to all the instability, insecurity and unpredictability that follows Trump..

Sarcastic excellence!   Brilliant.

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On 4/8/2024 at 2:02 PM, marin said:

Perfect example of a Trump supporter. Largely uneducated as evidenced by the 5th grade grammar. 

It is never a good idea to pick fault with someone else's grammar if your own isn't 100% perfect!

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On 4/8/2024 at 12:34 PM, Walker88 said:

Are You Truly a trumper?


In the fever swamps of trumpistan, there are varying degrees of adoration and fanaticism. You might be ‘on the spectrum’, but where? Are you just a dilettante, or are you all the way to a 1-6-21 terrorist? With trump there is precious little ‘little’, and no ‘kind of’. You’re in balls to the wall or you’re out. You’re either committed (or is that should be committed?) or just evidencing a faddish affectation. No room for the latter. Be all-in or be gone, you tino! (trumper in name only).


In order to fine tune the degree to which a trumper is a true cult member, the following panel of questions was developed to assess and differentiate. Run through the list and give yourself a point when you agree with the statement or question, and then add up your score. Use a calculator, if you run out of fingers and toes. Dare to find out just how deep in the weeds you are.


Here are the grades, depending on your point total:


0-5: Ha! That’s it? You must be LGBTQ+


6-10: Not naïve and gullible enough; you’re in need of re-education on Fox or Newsmax before you're qualified to put on your China-made red hat again


11-15: Congrats! You get placed on a mailing list for those running the Nigerian 419 Scam; you have the kind of credulity they can exploit


16-20: I bet you’ll use your SSDI and SNAP to fund a bus ticket to trump’s next rally Hate-in


21-25: Be at the Capitol on 8 January 2025; “It’ll be WILD!”


25: Step aside Kari Lake, you’re the new VP (just do your ‘duty’ on 8 January 2025 or get hung)




# 1: You believe trump’s “best economy ever” hyperbole (despite 70% of all Quarters since the end of WWII produced higher GDP growth)


# 2: Is trump, “like, really really rich, really really smart, and a stable genius”?


#3: At least once you’ve taken your kids’ school lunch money and sent it to trump’s PAC


# 4: You believe trump had a right to take TS, SCI, SAP, SITK, Codeword, HCS and RD docs to his country club and wedding planner facility


# 5: You believe trump “can declassify with his mind”


# 6: trump has ONLY “perfect phone calls”, such as with President Zelenskyy, GA SecState Brad Raffensperger, etc. Some say nobody does a better phone call.


# 7: Stormy is lying (and not just about “Not quite freakishly small, but well below average”)


# 8: The 2020 election was stolen


# 9: The jailed 6 January 2021 terrorists are actually “hostages” and/or “political prisoners”


# 10: trump will be reinstated 13 August  2021 2022 2023 2024


# 11: Truth (sic) Social is today’s Amazon and Microsoft rolled into one; get in now or regret later


# 12: Hugo Chavez rose from the grave, wrote a program he uploaded to an Italian satellite, and had the satellite alter votes on Dominion voting machines (per Sidney Powell, one of trump’s ‘crack’ legal team)


# 13: You believe trump is 6’3” and 215 lbs


# 14: Q is real and Hillary/Tom Hanks and others run an international cabal that kidnaps, rapes, roasts and eats babies (as trump now says has truth to it)


# 15: You bought a thread from his Georgia booking/arrest jacket


# 16: You think Jared is actually the biological father of Ivanka’s kids (okay, no points if your answer is “Yes”, as no DNA test has been done)


# 17: You own at least one pair of trump’s Golden Sneakers AND you ordered a trump Bible


# 18: You believe bone spurs are a more serious affliction than the Bubonic Plague or pancreatic cancer


#19: You think trump’s NYC apartment is 33,000 square feet


#20: You think trump won many club golf championships and has never cheated


# 21: You believe the trump NFT of him as a buffed fighter pilot represents genuine value


#22: You think a former softcore porn model (images on Google) deserved her “Einstein Visa” and was the classiest First Lady ever


#23: Like trump, you use the term Deep State and actually believe it’s a real thing


#24: You’re still impressed to this day by “Man Woman Person Camera TV”


#25: While the 2020 election was rigged and stolen, EVERY Republican Congressperson who won on the same ballot in 2020 did so absolutely legitimately


#26: You believe a truly innocent man delays delays delays his trials, rather than has his day in court quickly to prove his innocence.


#27: You think the recent East Coast earthquake was---as MTG Tweeted---a 'sign from Gawd that US must repent'...(forget this question, as the USGS said the epicenter was close to trump's Bedminster Golf Course)




#25: While the 2020 election was rigged and stolen, EVERY Republican Congressperson who won on the same ballot in 2020 did so absolutely legitimately   hmmm    riddle me that

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On 4/8/2024 at 2:04 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

Unfortunately, there are just too many crazy idiots on both sides. 

The sane citizens hardly post silly YT political videos.  You conclusion is invalid because of a skewed selection process. 😳

Edited by gamb00ler
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1 hour ago, Phulublub said:

While this is true, Biden is not from or of the idiot (extreme) left, while Trump is most definitey a fanatic, and in many respected very right wing.




But, looking how Biden selected the vice president, most important she must be black and female, is definitely something to keep the left in his party happy. 


I wonder how people would look at Biden if he would tell the extreme left more often that he won't support their nonsense. He would lose some voters on the left, but he would probably win some centrist voters. And where would the extreme left go? Nowhere. 


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17 minutes ago, gamb00ler said:

The sane citizens hardly post silly YT political videos.  You conclusion is invalid because of a skewed selection process. 😳

People like Ben Shapiro have many followers. 

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12 minutes ago, sirineou said:

And then  there is you in the middle, unlike all these other "idiots" the one and only stable genius 

There is a reason why they don't let me vote in the USA. 😉 

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2 hours ago, scottiejohn said:

I think you have posted the wrong picture it should be something like this;


Where are the strings and who is pulling them?

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What a dumb question, it hs nothing do with liking or disliking Trump. It has everything to do with an obvious deep state / corporate maffia, that rapes America and Americans, which people like to see end. But somehow the Hillary clit lickers and especially the older folks, who have pensions and wealth a young American can only think of as a unicorn, love to hate and hate on Trump, the only person who actually seems to confront the issue, in the first place. AKA 90% of people are but lickers.


I always thought that it was kind of a joke, when we were told in Europe, that Americans are kind of dumb. I kind of believe it now. No wonder they are the main match and married counts in Asia too.


Messed up every war since, well where to even start. Messed up every country that was about to do good. Messed up their own country + Europe. One wonders how can anyone even feel pride in that, unless being absolutely stupid.


America is so big, powerful and rich, yet 70% of the population if not more, lives paycheck to paycheck, and would die within weeks if logistics cut of medicine from Asia. Same for Europe. So much for success...

Edited by ChaiyaTH
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Not a "TRUMPER"-Just 41% of those asked approve of the way Biden is handling his job. His approval rating on the economy has dropped to 37% – down 8 points since early December alone. Only 45% approve of his handling of the pandemic he was elected to end. When those who disdain Biden’s overall performance were asked to name a single thing he’d done that they approved of, 56% had nothing positive to say. “I’m hard pressed to think of a single thing he has done that benefits the country,” so I will be voting for "TRUMP!"

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Amazing that a country like the US, with talented folks across many fields and business empires, gets stuck with mostly loser politicians on both sides of the aisle. Today, its the extremes of both parties that get all the attention (squeaky wheel gets the oil) and thus outsized influence while those closer to the center are routinely ignored or chastized. This is the biggest problem with American politics today, when the extremes control both sides, middle ground/compromise/rational policy is not possible, nor desired. Us vs Them, seen outside the US as well, more and more. Trump is an idiot and Biden senile (or close), great choice for many Americans! So, I'll vote with my pocketbook, deciding which one will be best for it. Higher, altruistic goals will have to wait for more sanity to return in governance. 

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32 minutes ago, Silencer said:

So, I'll vote with my pocketbook, deciding which one will be best for it.

So far only one presidential candidate has suggested cutting SSA benefits.  You may wish to consider that chapter of your pocketbook.

Edited by gamb00ler
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On 4/8/2024 at 3:51 PM, worgeordie said:

You never hear Trump talking about policies ,what he is going to do to

make things better for the American people , he is always whining on

about himself ,how persecuted he is ,which is all self inflicted ,he's a

liar , a crook ,bankrupt how many times , i am not American ,but i am

afraid if he wins again ,the way the courts are pussy footing about

with him is sickening , lock him up NOW !  


regards worgeordie


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