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Trump paid no income taxes in 10 of last 15 years - New York Times


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3 minutes ago, Morch said:
4 minutes ago, Cod Face said:

"Someone who has called his supporters "disgusting" and if you were in the military he has also called you a "loser" and a "sucker".

Nonsense.  All of what you suggest he said has been debunked as being untrue.


That's not correct. At best, you can try and shoot for 'not proven', 'not verified'

Ok, how about..."Nonsense.  None of what you suggest has ever been proven to be true"

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12 minutes ago, cmarshall said:

It's clear now the after Jan. 20 Biden's DoJ will have to prosecute Trump, much as they would rather not.  His lawbreaking has been too egregious for too long.  In the NYT article on his taxes we can see multiple crimes of tax evasion and bank fraud.  And the Times has promised that this is only the first of a series of articles based on Trump's tax and financial data.


But the Manhattan DA may get there first.  Either way Trump and his psychopath children are going to prison.

I honestly think that a President Biden would be hesitant to go after an ex-president.  It would set a dangerous precedent and he himself knows that a future Republican president may do the same.  But there's plenty of evidence that Trump has at minimum, broken state laws and can certainly be prosecuted for that.  If I were a betting man, I'd say the orange man will be in an orange jumpsuit not long after leaving office. 

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I have no idea if this report is true or not... but what strikes me here is the timing... given that pretty much everything today is or quickly becomes politicized - and after that, it tend to be polarizing; the timing of this news, to me, seems questionable... 


To me, so long as he followed the tax law - whatever it is/was, then that’s fine... sure, hearing that he *may* have paid little to no income taxes gives off a negative vibe, i can’t besmirch anyone who takes full, legal, advantage of the tax law to minimize their liability... 

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3 hours ago, RoadWarrior371 said:

Funny how the USA is in shambles every 4 years right about election time according to the leftist media, and the uneducated masses gobble it up.


The rest of us are limping along with record stock market gains, record bonuses, record low interest rates.  Basically printing cash this year.   More shambles please..... ????

I take it you are not one of the millions of hard working Americans living hand to mouth, falling behind mortgage/rent payments, unable to afford health care insurance and with no savings to call on in an emergency. Or at least, so you would have us believe.

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7 hours ago, jimmybcool said:

What I find fascinating is this concern over his tax returns.  I really don't care.  If the IRS thinks they are correct and he is paying his legally obligated taxes good enough for me.  I do know the left wants to see them so they can (as usual) twist them to indicate something nefarious.  And the average human won't have a chance in hell of comprehending tax returns at that level.


Better still I would like to know how so many people in congress enter service poor and end up rich on congressional/senate pay.  How bout some investigation into that? 

Would be interesting to know what he told the banks he was making when applying for a loan.

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14 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

Would be interesting to know what he told the banks he was making when applying for a loan.

What would be really interesting is to find out what the German banks know about his monkey business dealings in Russia. That would reveal what dirt Putin has on him and how he turned him into a straight up traitor.

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