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U.S. Supreme Court swiftly ends Trump-backed Texas bid to upend election results


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1 minute ago, ChouDoufu said:


i dunno.  he's got half a billion in debt coming due next year.  deutsche bank and the saudis want their money back....now.  as an ex-president, they no longer have to wait.  they want to dump him as a client, and no new banks will take him on.


due to the covids, and the situation in the usa he's fully responsible for, his golf courses and hotels and casinos are struggling, many were money-losers before the virus troubles.  look for more bankruptcies and desperate deal-making as he scrambles to stay above water.


there are now 80 million americans that hate his guts, and a hell of a lotta those 70 million maga'rs will soon realize what he's done to the republican party and to them personally (and to the country as a whole).  when the loss finally sinks in, many will abandon him.  his planned media empire will flounder as his fans abandon him.  he might get a weekly podcast "from an undisclosed location" for the core dead-enders, but he'll never get "the numbers."  and numbers is all he's ever been about.


what's left?  he's not even welcome on fox news!  he's still got a security detail for life, but who will have him?  which bars, hotels, country clubs (not owned by self) would let him and his g-men in?  trump is no longer president, so who wants the headache of his whining, and the disruption of closing to the public for his specialness, not to mention the inevitable protests, public shaming, boycotts that will come with serving his entourage?


don't forget, the covids ain't over.  not by a long shot, and some are saying the worst is yet to come.  the vaccine won't be readily available for months, after the xmas season, after the anti-inauguration rallies and demonstrations.  before this is over, expect half a million dead.  that's a lot of angry friends and relatives that will be hounding him the rest of his life.  i wouldn't wanna be him alone in public, without a bulletproof limo and a herd of trained g'men for protection.

I think it's a pretty safe bet that certain foreign governments will find a way to get cash to him. Trump's debts are chump change to them.

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7 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:


i dunno.  he's got half a billion in debt coming due next year.  deutsche bank and the saudis want their money back....now.  as an ex-president, they no longer have to wait.  they want to dump him as a client, and no new banks will take him on.


due to the covids, and the situation in the usa he's fully responsible for, his golf courses and hotels and casinos are struggling, many were money-losers before the virus troubles.  look for more bankruptcies and desperate deal-making as he scrambles to stay above water.


there are now 80 million americans that hate his guts, and a hell of a lotta those 70 million maga'rs will soon realize what he's done to the republican party and to them personally (and to the country as a whole).  when the loss finally sinks in, many will abandon him.  his planned media empire will flounder as his fans abandon him.  he might get a weekly podcast "from an undisclosed location" for the core dead-enders, but he'll never get "the numbers."  and numbers is all he's ever been about.


what's left?  he's not even welcome on fox news!  he's still got a security detail for life, but who will have him?  which bars, hotels, country clubs (not owned by self) would let him and his g-men in?  trump is no longer president, so who wants the headache of his whining, and the disruption of closing to the public for his specialness, not to mention the inevitable protests, public shaming, boycotts that will come with serving his entourage?


don't forget, the covids ain't over.  not by a long shot, and some are saying the worst is yet to come.  the vaccine won't be readily available for months, after the xmas season, after the anti-inauguration rallies and demonstrations.  before this is over, expect half a million dead.  that's a lot of angry friends and relatives that will be hounding him the rest of his life.  i wouldn't wanna be him alone in public, without a bulletproof limo and a herd of trained g'men for protection.

Well put!!!  We can only hope some of the GOP come to their senses.  Sadly, with Mitch at the helm of the senate, there's no hope.  Such a dinosaur.


this is a very interesting read:



What Really Saved the Republic From Trump?

It wasn’t our constitutional system of checks and balances.


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8 minutes ago, placeholder said:

I think it's a pretty safe bet that certain foreign governments will find a way to get cash to him. Trump's debts are chump change to them.


that's possible, but pay for what?  surely not for what he can do for them, but rather what he can do to cause more divisiveness in the us.  might make sense ordinarily, but which governments would be interested with biden in power?


the likely suspects have more to gain with a functioning american government under biden.  biden will limit (although probably still abuse) financial sanctions.  he will renew or extend or sign new arms limitation treaties with the russians.  he plans to re-enter the jcpoa, and will likely reduce provocative actions in the middle east.

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9 minutes ago, wwest5829 said:

I have not seem the statistical research as to the breakdown but I too think there are many working middle class who wrongly supported The Donald in 2016 hoping in his promises. Amazing that some of the same hope existed in 2020 after Trump’s record of malfeasance was documented. And I think history has recorded that the racial prejudice cannot be denied in playing into the reaction against Obama. Obama will do OK in history as the  racism and Republican led opposition from the beginning of his administration has been noted. Disappointing that more was not accomplished but ... with cause.

I'm stunned so many fall for Trump's (and the GOP's) lies and BS.  It really boggles my mind.  This is an excellent article and worth a read:




How do we explain this seemingly mass rejection of democratic processes — and the rejection of verified reality? In a series of interviews, Berkeley scholars across a range of disciplines suggested that this is a story not just of numbers, but of a complex interplay of class and racial antagonism, aggravated by despair and social drift and amplified by new communication platforms, converging to what some see as a troubling psychological phenomenon.


Some suggested that generations of creeping economic insecurity have inspired deep anger, compelling many voters in the white middle and working classes to embrace Trump, flaws and all, because he challenges the American status quo.



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6 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

I'm stunned so many fall for Trump's (and the GOP's) lies and BS.  It really boggles my mind.  This is an excellent article and worth a read:




This has been my statement going into the election. It is my understanding as a student and educator of history (MA, Emeritus Professor) so I agree with much in the Berkeley article. The anti-intellectual reaction by Trump supporters plays large, I think, in the foolish rejection of Covid medical advice.


”My thought, supported by at least the economic statistics is that the political policies of both major political parties over the past 30-45 have caused increased economic pressure on the working middle class which forms the vast majority of the participatory democracy’s population.


With the growth, over the time period of the income/wealth disparity gap we have come to a critical juncture of disfunction. Many of those in the current working middle class were raised in a time witnessing the, at first tremendous growth of the US economic income and now, the slow decline of the paramount economic position of the United States post WW II.


For those of us in the “Baby Boomer” generation, we are filled with despair generally at seeing the usual growth of economic wellbeing through our work efforts resulting in less and less retirement age security. For our children, we see little hope, under current economic policy conditions to be able, through their work to afford the housing, access to medical care, access to improving their knowledge skills through higher education.


There is justified frustration/anger resulting from the economic stress and this evidences itself through our social stress. Not seeing hope, those who supported Trump in 2016, wanted to believe in his promises to address the needs and clean out the swamp of those who had brought on the economic stress (unfortunately, they did not read/study Trump’s historical background or they would have seen a record of a man far out of his depth to be given such a government position).


What alternative was offered by the other major party candidate … more of the same policies that have brought on the stress. Unless the mass of American working middle class citizen voters turn out to support a raising of the minimum wage, instituting a national healthcare program like all other developed democratic countries provide for their citizens, lowering the costs of gaining more knowledge through higher education (benefiting both individuals and American business) and protecting Social Security/Medicare … I predict the madness will continue as there will be no needed relief for the working middle class upon which and hope of a participatory democracy depends.”

Edited by onthedarkside
edited for formatting
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