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Thai PM calls for clear 2022 vaccine plan - expulsion for officials who don't follow the rules


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1 minute ago, mtls2005 said:


Can you imagine if, as top man at the army, he had to defend the country against invaders.


I'll stipulate that he is adept at "dealing with" fellow citizens.



You meant "Inept" right, not adept.

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Thai PM calls for clear 2022 vaccine plan - expulsion for officials who don't follow the rules


does he should be on top of the list closely followed by Anutin .... actions speak louder than words, quit

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47 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:


Can you imagine if, as top man at the army, he had to defend the country against invaders.


I'll stipulate that he is adept at "dealing with" fellow citizens.



Can you imagine...... , well yes I can - an utter screw-up of the highest order, and that would be just getting to the plane to flee the country...... 

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4 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Do you think so ?

Try telling that to the families of the deceased, and those still suffering, with numbers rising daily, all down to your incompetence.

He must be talking about the surrounding countries. Because there's one thing we all want for Christmas, and that is some bloody good vaccines.

Edited by vandeventer
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‘Lose their job or resign”!! If they are caught then there should be financial reparation from the private assets of the individual. There should also be jail time. That includes the politicians, health officials and any others in the multi trough of corruption that is allegedly happening.

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1 minute ago, Millman said:

‘Lose their job or resign”!! If they are caught then there should be financial reparation from the private assets of the individual. There should also be jail time. That includes the politicians, health officials and any others in the multi trough of corruption that is allegedly happening.

Wait I heard they slipped in the Amnesty into the new emergency decree so there will be no repercussions for any.  It was done quietly........ 

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Why can this man not lie straight in bed ?

"Out of Date" ? Poppycock

There are over 800 well organized medical teams all around the country (some volunters ) begging for the AZ vaccine to be delivered at which time they can jab over 160,000 a day.

We got jabbed in the main village hall where they jabbed 420 in 3 days.

After an hour of setting up 5 computers & jab areas, along with resting areas off they went.

The vaccines had been sent by medical pickup which left Bangkok at 2am (with a back up vehicle travelling 20 minutes behind) arriving & ready after a

7 hour journey

Can someone show this man what a plane, helicopter, small truck or even pickups are please.

He is getting more delusional by the minute


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I have no faith in any plan from Prayut. His earlier national vaccine plan has been inadequate, full of loopholes and flip-flopping policies. His bet on AstraZeneca as the main strategic vaccine and demurred from pursuing other well known vaccines and his refusal to join COVAX were policy plunders. 

Apart from supply shortage, his rollout has been slow and uneven. Internet applications were problematic and disorganized. 

There are enough of his gross incompetent alone that warrant his resignation besides alleged conflict of interest in the purchase of vaccines. All his policy plunders at the expense of public health and economic well-being. Now he has the cheek to suggest a 2022 plan instead of tendering his resignation. 

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4 hours ago, Hayduke said:

Never fear....the Czar has assembled a team of the world's most respected specialists to save his job…uh….the country. This team of qualified, trusted, focused, and like-minded advisors remains at the Czar's side day and night..…guaranteeing that the government's enlightened and carefully planned vaccination plan will stay on track.


teletubby - 2.jpg



Alfred E Neuman lives! ????

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I've jotted this quote down on a yellow sticky note for future reference:


5 hours ago, webfact said:

He warned against corruption in the vaccine delivery promising especially in the repetition of names  that people found guilty would lose their jobs or be forced to resign.

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Another plan. That's exactly what's needed. Best make an additional 10 more plans and never mind actually ordering and paying for enough vaccines.

Another alternative is to look at countries with a similar GDP as Bhutan for donations, since that worked out alright *clapclap* /s

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

The PM called for the health ministry to have a clear plan for vaccine procurement for 2022

Duh? Does this guy understand it´s still many month left of 2021 and he have a catastrophy to deal with?

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

The PM called for the health ministry to have a clear plan for vaccine procurement for 2022 and to start on that now.

The man is a complete disgrace.

He calls for the very thing that he should have accomplished this year.

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