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Life in Thailand possible without the Vaccine?


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7 hours ago, LukKrueng said:

I'm home (Thailand) and I have no desire to get vaxed. If it bothers you, you can go home. 

What you going to do?


Eventually people who aren't vaxed will be ostracized.


I think its time to get on the reality train and get vaccinated. 


Not for your selfish self but for the loved ones forced to be close to you unfortunately.


Thats if you make it through the next wave.






Edited by MrJ2U
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3 minutes ago, LeatFingies said:

One thing I’ve noticed on this forum is a huge lack of intelligence from the members. Virtually everyone on this forum is pro vaccine, pro totalitarian government, no questions asked. 

Every time I read comments about really anything on here, regarding any topic, I just shake my head. That’s how I know that not taking the vaccine is the right choice. 

Thats why we have experts like you.



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1 hour ago, LeatFingies said:

One thing I’ve noticed on this forum is a huge lack of intelligence from the members. Virtually everyone on this forum is pro vaccine, pro totalitarian government, no questions asked. 

Every time I read comments about really anything on here, regarding any topic, I just shake my head. That’s how I know that not taking the vaccine is the right choice. 

‘Virtually’ everyone else on this forum is pro vaccine, ergo an idiot... erm... ok...  


And you have a great deal of intelligence because you ‘question the government’ and disagree with them ?


The only things you missed out are... sheeple, plandemic, covidiots...

Edited by richard_smith237
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14 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

Based on faulty data, as they admit. Many deaths and cases were not reported or counted properly. Refer to Florida's recent changes.

We are not in Florida but in Thailand. A country notorious for ignoring the rest of the world unless it is praise for Thailand.

Edited by billd766
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On 9/12/2021 at 11:10 AM, James105 said:

Since we are not yet at the stage where people have to wear armbands to signify their vaccine status, how do you plan to identify those that are vaxxed vs unvaxxed so you can avoid them like the plague?   Are you planning to carry out a health survey with everyone you encounter, such as shop workers, delivery drivers, social events etc?  Can you trust restaurants to enforce the rule if implemented and will you personally check on other diners to see if they have been vaxxed?  People who say they are going to avoid the unvaxxed like the plague are effectively saying that they do not trust the vaccine, yet are demanding others to take something they clearly do not trust themselves.    


You're being pedantic. 

If I were to say I'd avoid unvaccinated people like the plague it would mean *if I know they are unvaccinated* and what it really means is If I hear/see someone saying nonsense about 'vaccines don't work', 'I'm not putting that poison in my body', 'It's all a scam to control people', etc etc I will absolutely avoid those people. 

Not because I'm worried about catching covid (I already paid to get fully vaccinated), but because I think people that think and say nonsense like that are utter morons and I want nothing to do with such people. 

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"Those antivaxxers generally are very vocal about it and easily avoidable."


First off, who cares about these people? What I don't understand is the self-righteousness against something that should have no effect on "the believers." 

Are the arguments and positions so threatening to you that you must censor them and avoid them at all costs?

I know a lot of people who firmly believe in an unseen and unknowable entity that they claim not only "watches over everyone and everything," but created all the creatures of the land, seas and skies at the same time, perhaps around 6,000 years ago. I think this idea is ludicrous but I don't cancel these believers or shun all contact with them. Why should I? Their odd beliefs don't impact what I know to be true. 

They may say that I am contributing to possibly infecting others with my beliefs and denying them a chance at everlasting life; but then, how does that impact you? I and others have made our choices. If you are self-protected from damnation, good for you. Leave the others alone.


I am not anti-vaccine; that would be counter to science. But for me, I am not at substantive risk due to my age and health and feel that if vaccines are to be given, please use them on those who are at risk. My healthy, 25-year-old coffee shop worker is vaccinated, but my feeble, 72-year-old next door neighbor is not? What is that about? 

Personally, I am not against the current vaccines, although the very fact that they are "leaky" and numbers out of many places (such as Israel) and the recent statement of the US president that the 'vaccinated need to be protected from the unvaccinated' underscores this, I think they are worthwhile for those at risk. 

I am however leery of the fact that natural immunity is virtually ignored in these discussions. Why the single-mindedness of vaccines? How do you think we gained our understanding of the mechanisms of vaccinations in the first place? 


But to the point of the question: Is life possible in Thailand without the vaccine? 

According to the Google machine, Thailand is 16.7% fully vaccinated, somewhat better than Zimbabwe, not quite as good as Grenada. Given this, statistically, it will be a long time before you are the one that is keeping all of the nation just that one shot away from the mythical and arbitrary 70 percent (and that discounts all those who knowingly or unknowingly have acquired natural immunity). 


The only thing that you need to keep in mind is whether or not immigration will mandate injections to maintain your visa status to stay here. Foreigners don't enjoy the full privileges afforded to Thai citizens, so it's unclear if forcing this measure is illegal, as if that matters here. 

However, if you are working here, your employer might require you to get a vaccine or else they could dock your pay (for "weekly testing"). While this is probably against the law, most workers simply roll over and accept that. 


So yes, life is very possible. 



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22 hours ago, Ralf001 said:

But they are not searching from a hospital bed !!

- Certainly wishful thinking but the best result would be nobody goes to hospital.

- Meantime many folks (in many countries) understand clearly (because there is obvious proof at every turn) that there is a dangerous/deadly virus present and already spread across the world and the new more virulent strain is spreading even more fast across the world. So they are seriously looking to get vaccination, accepting that the vaccinations available probably need improvement. But better to take what's available now, along with boosters into the future.

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14 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Another American who is scared of needles. Another person who only thinks of them self.

  The world is full of self centered people.  I have a few less relatives and friends who 

thought like this poster and they are all dead.  The vaccine man not stop you from getting

infected, but if it stops you from dying, is it not worth getting?  Maybe growing up is very

difficult for some of us, but that is what is required for this present World situation.

   When I hear of another unvaccinated person who has caught COVID and has died, I have no sympathy 

except I do feel sad that their family and friends have to suffer from them being so ignorant or stupid.

   There are people who are desperate to get themselves vaccinated,  then we hear from some selfish

person who claims that they do not need to get vaccinated. Pathetic.



I add, the dangers of the very ignorant.


Example; my son asked the headmistress of the school his 3 daughters attend if they needed more masks/sanitizer supplies etc.,  


Her response; "Ohh it's not needed because the government doesn't allow the virus to come into 


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4 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

‘Virtually’ everyone else on this forum is pro vaccine, ergo an idiot... erm... ok...  


And you have a great deal of intelligence because you ‘question the government’ and disagree with them ?


The only things you missed out are... sheeple, plandemic, covidiots...

Dude…for everyone’s sake but mostly yours stop using the word “sheeple”…it just brands you and everything you say as weak and ineffective. You do t need any more help with that….!!

Google will find you another word you can pirate for your personal use

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20 minutes ago, Freddy42OZ said:


You're being pedantic. 

If I were to say I'd avoid unvaccinated people like the plague it would mean *if I know they are unvaccinated* and what it really means is If I hear/see someone saying nonsense about 'vaccines don't work', 'I'm not putting that poison in my body', 'It's all a scam to control people', etc etc I will absolutely avoid those people. 

Not because I'm worried about catching covid (I already paid to get fully vaccinated), but because I think people that think and say nonsense like that are utter morons and I want nothing to do with such people. 

Oh jeeeez…someone introduced a new word to TV forum…..”pedantic”

going to have to listen to that one for a month now ????

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14 minutes ago, scorecard said:

I add, the dangers of the very ignorant.


Example; my son asked the headmistress of the school his 3 daughters attend if they needed more masks/sanitizer supplies etc.,  


Her response; "Ohh it's not needed because the government doesn't allow the virus to come into 


Don’t believe that ever happened…neither will anyone else

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46 minutes ago, billd766 said:

We are not in Florida but in Thailand. A country notorious for ignoring the rest of the world unless it is praise for Thailand.

Thailand has also admitted it's reported numbers are low. Thus, that 99% stat is inaccurate.

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19 hours ago, Kanada said:

Surely you had your shots before you entered Thailand…you know..yellow fever, malaria, Hep A and B, Japanese Encephalitis, typhoid, cholera…etc. and the booster shots necessary to keep them up to date!

Be crazy not to have those…wouldn’t you??!


Nope not a one. Been here since 2006 and not contracted any of those.

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59 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Awww... its the words are a little too big for our abecedarian fellow forum member??....  not one for a little sesquipedalian loquaciousness ? suffering from a little Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia ?


All in jest...  now you can go back and enjoy discussing conspiracy of how the governments have colluded with health experts to give us all a vaccine we don’t really need. 

****now you can go back and enjoy discussing conspiracy of how the governments have colluded with health experts to give us all a vaccine we don’t really need ****

seems you have me confused with someone else….I’m vaccinated and I think everyone should be asap or sooner ????

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19 hours ago, billd766 said:

I had my first Pfizer jab on Friday morning. The only problem was a soreness around the jab site. Age 77, height 185, weight 116, retired and lazy.

No one has identical genes.  Some may be lucky, others not.  Some vaccine injuries take time to develop.  With Covid-19 we are in uncharted territory.

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On 9/11/2021 at 9:10 PM, James105 said:

Since we are not yet at the stage where people have to wear armbands to signify their vaccine status, how do you plan to identify those that are vaxxed vs unvaxxed so you can avoid them like the plague?   Are you planning to carry out a health survey with everyone you encounter, such as shop workers, delivery drivers, social events etc?  Can you trust restaurants to enforce the rule if implemented and will you personally check on other diners to see if they have been vaxxed?  People who say they are going to avoid the unvaxxed like the plague are effectively saying that they do not trust the vaccine, yet are demanding others to take something they clearly do not trust themselves.    

Since it is obviously the antivaxers that are against revealing their vaccination status, I propose an alternative. Similar to a high tech armband, you opt in to an app that tells you who IS vaccinated so you know who to avoid like the plague.

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I wish the anti vaxxers could get together and explain to everyone why they are opposed. Or just pick the Best number 1 reason, and then listen to the world’s top scientist put his reputation on the line and explain why its stupid.

Any other scientist who can show he’s lying gets to win a million dollars.


the end.

Edited by Regain
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2 hours ago, ericbj said:

Vomiting misinformed opinion is only convincing for the equally misinformed;
it is recommended to do some online research of evidence offered by front-line experts in the field of treating covid-19,  including doctors within the FLCCC, before drawing conclusions;


Ah, so sad that another gullible person gets sucked in.


The doctors in the FLCCC were not "frontline" doctors and the whole FLCCC shabang has been discredited (by frontline doctors, professors and other medical professionals) and the info on that has been posted on the ASEAN forum.


And as for the Steven Yager link you gave, well even the info on that website is suspect, as per his message on it..............Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.


Quite why the gullible people will not listen to the VAST MAJORITY OF THE MEDICAL PROFESSION and go off to seek alternative misinformation on this is quite incredible.........might be looking for membership of "the tin-foil hat" club!

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4 hours ago, ericbj said:

No one has identical genes.  Some may be lucky, others not.  Some vaccine injuries take time to develop.  With Covid-19 we are in uncharted territory.



We know covid can hospitalize, require ventilators, and cause death and/or long-term health issues.


And you are seriously comparing that to nebulous, unverified, possible-in-the-future "vaccine injuries".


Are y'all for real or just trolling?

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This is the results via a BBK Post article/study.....Based on the numbers presented, this is how it breaks down....


It's pretty clear on advantages.....


Mods, if not permitted please remove as I understand there are  sources you cannot use....


Just trying to clear some of the murky waters we're swimming in.....




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