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People don't understand sarcasm on this forum?


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Sarcasm is a form of communication art that need to be mastered before applied, sarcasm is a tool to say what you want to say without offending anyone and still deliver your message... 

Edited by ezzra
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1 hour ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

Snowflakes and those who are 'woke' are itching to meet their daily quota of using phrases like, "Deeply, Deeply Disturbing", and "I feel threatened by your micro-aggressions". Sarcasm opens the door, and they never pass up an opportunity. Then they run and hug their emotional-support animal and have a good cry. Their day wouldn't be complete without it.

Really, because my experience is that it is those who are on the right of the right of centre who are easily offended by sarcasm and don’t understand it.

It is because of such individuals that I now add a sarcasm alert into my posts because they are just itching to be offended.


Though given the nature of this thread you could just be being sarcastic in the above…


'Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive'



Edited by Bluespunk
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