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Thammasat abandons plan to get 1.5m doses of donated vaccine from Poland


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Un fkn believable....these clowns are are the scum of the lowest of the lowest of low life's. I could see one of their own Thai's drowning, and they would probably stare on saying, we need to get a letter confirming that we are recognised as your official representative to help you. 


But without that letter....


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13 hours ago, ukrules said:

All that matters is the paperwork.


Without the paperwork and the rubber stamps, nothing happens, ever.

I disagree. Required, redundant paperwork is merely a stalling technique until enough people get their beaks wet in the deal. 

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15 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Sad, that this government isn't a "All hands on deck" government but instead a " in it for ourselves" government. The prayut government does not want to be upstaged by anyone it appears.

Just see how quick the letter would be provided if the CRA or Thai Red Cross requested a letter....

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15 hours ago, fangless said:

Those pesky missing and or empty brown envelopes again I suspect!

Yep, next week's news, government official coordinates with Polish government to recieve 1.5 million doses of Moderna. 

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Why does Thailand need any donations????


They clearly have money to spend on submarines, weapons, huge railway-projects and other useless stuff.


At the same time they expect stuff for free from Farang countries, who they further exploit if their citizens decide to live or invest in their country. They don’t even care about their own population.


Don’t give them anything!! Let them learn to spend their own money wisely instead.



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14 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Exactly this... 


Someone in a position of ‘decision making power’ is simply outright refusing to ‘approve’ this until he receives his rightful back-hander....  in Thailand (along with many countries) no one is in these positions without the expectation to profit through graft, its so common they target these positions with a sense of entitlement towards the back-handers.... 


It's disgusting and hopefully, now that the media are aware of this ‘the person’ blocking this charitable deal will be embarrassed into doing the right thing...


......From the Hub of Misunderstandings.....  it was all a misunderstanding... 



Don't forget they have to get back the money they had to pay to get the position of "decison making power" in the first place111

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14 hours ago, worrab said:

This story should be released to the world press so everyone can see the low regard this Government has towards its population! Absolutely disgraceful that brown envelopes should be involved yet again whilst Thailand still suffers with Covid. 

It has already been done. How it will be received I know not, or acted upon I know not.

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12 minutes ago, Flink said:

Yep, next week's news, government official coordinates with Polish government to recieve 1.5 million doses of Moderna. 

The problem is that I believe that is exactly what will happen except the contract will be for less than 1.5m so that;

a) it does not seem to be the same contract!! and

b) he can sell the remainder privately.

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So why is Poland giving away Moderna vaccine to anybody?


Poland facing COVID-19 'explosion' says health minister


WARSAW, Oct 20 2021 (Reuters) - Poland has seen an explosion of the COVID-19 pandemic over the past two days and if the current trend continues drastic steps will be needed, the health minister said on Wednesday, after the country reported over 5,000 daily cases for the first time since May.


"Over the last two days we have seen an explosion of the pandemic," Adam Niedzielski told a news conference, adding that next week daily cases could be "well above" 5,000.

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