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One of the most epic crash videos I've seen so far

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What's amazing is when the big rig went across the median no hit him on the other side.


I've had people driving like that around me.  I swear 4-5 times they missed hitting me by about 5cm or less.  Fortunately it is a small percentage of drivers that drive like that otherwise the death tolls here would be astronomical.

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28 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Notice the useless middle concrete barrier that actually helped truck cross the median. 

that truck crossed right over the right side lane and stopped, totally blocking it, so it's amazing another car didn't crash in to it going full speed. This could have been so much worse.

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22 minutes ago, ThaiFelix said:

I dont know what all the commotion is about?  Just looks like my normal run to the shops each morning for the paper?

Your paper was spread all over the road this morning!

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12 hours ago, NorthernRyland said:

 Very well captured and it illustrates perfectly why Thailand is a horrible country to drive in.  

Actually... if you take the high death rate out of equation... Thailand is a safer country to drive in than most other countries in the world... there are fewer actual accidents per 100,000... the extremely high death rate which is a phenomenon all its own due to many factors but mostly related to the shear number of motorcycle riders and lack of enforcement for helmets and traffic flow... skews the figure to paint Thailand as being a more horrible place to drive... so peddle your drivel somewhere else.

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11 hours ago, ABCDBKK said:

Fun, fun, fun. Everyone commenting got a thrill out of this video. Otherwise just another boring Sunday. 

Yeah, and you comment 4 times so far. 😉 

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10 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

I guess the big question is where does that kind of behavior come from? Is it just an inability to practice vision to look a few seconds into the future? Is it an inability to ponder the ramifications of ridiculous behavior, and the tragic consequences that can have on you, your family and all the drivers surrounding you? I put a lot of the blame for this on the tiny shoulders of the pathetic highway patrol, and their bizarre unwillingness to patrol the highways, look for reckless drivers and provide a deterrent to the nation. 


What is the story with this kind of behavior, any insights would be appreciated because it's beyond mysterious. 

Is it possible the driver was a policeman.........................?

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4 hours ago, ABCDBKK said:

The reason I made some sarcastic posts earlier in this topic is because this is nothing unique to Thailand and yet people are getting so fired up about that video. I've seen lots of carnage on the roads in Thailand myself and some with very large blood smears on the road that were far worse than all the flying metal seen in this 

I didn't initially catch your sarcasm, but I rarely see westerners getting any kick out of all the blood and gore. The Thai news on the other hand... 

I personally watch videos like this and ones with road rage to remind myself to slow down a bit and take it easy on the roads. 

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See this kind of driving every time I use a highway, fortunately for me I can normally see them approaching from behind and are prepared for them, they do it mainly when I'm in the outside lane, having already seen the truck ahead and are getting ready to overtake, but they want to cut in front of me on the inside, before I can, half the time they don't even see the truck. wonkers!

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10 out of 10 crash


On the highways please remember to be situational aware, know the flow of traffic and keep aware of crazies, zoomers, racing packs, and ladies who really have to pee by watching in your mirrors as well as out front.


Ya just got to be like a fighter pilot and keep your eye on your 6.


This public service announcement was sponsored by weed.

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Same same - we drive a lot and see extremely dangerous driving every time. And over 10 years I have never seen a police vehicle that is/has pulled someone over. They will setup a road block, and cause traffic mayhem, to check regos and licences (tea money?) - but they never actually patrol the roads pulling over the idiots/nutters.  

The thing I noticed in that video was something far more dangerous than the idiot/druggie in the SUV. The unladed truck that flew past down the inside lane and ended up going over the dividing barrier. That is extremly dangerous and I see it all the time in Thailand - using the inside lane to overtake at serious speed is very common on Thailand highways. 

As already posted, the reason for the accident was the a***hole in the commerical van/truck going too slow in the right lane and refusing to move over.  They are everwhere in Thailand and IMO they cause a lot of these accidents.  Sure Somechai the nutter/druggie should not be going so fast and try to make that gap, but it was Otherchai in the ute/van that caused the accident - and they are everywhere on the highways here.


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14 hours ago, NorthernRyland said:

it's only a matter of time until their magic amulet fails them and they make a move this like

Very rarely, I read a report where someone walks away relatively unscathed from a bad crash and the credit their "miraculous escape" to some amulet or similar.

I've yet to see a single report where they state that somebody died in an accident despite having amulets in the vehicle. This suggests that survival is just a matter of chance and nothing to do with any amulets!

However, the vast majority of vehicles in Thailand have amulets and monks' daubing. In other countries, hardly any vehicles have such "protection", yet there are much fewer road deaths than in Thailand! So, statistically, this means that if you have a magical amulet in your vehicle, you are more likely to die than if you don't!


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6 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

If the lorry in the right lane had been in the correct slower lane then the accident wouldn't of happened. Not unusual to see left hand overtaking


It's motorway 9, km 60.

What has the f...ing lorry to do on the right lane of four!

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Just now, KhunBENQ said:


It's motorway 9, km 60.

What has the f...ing lorry to do on the right lane of four!


You sure it is a lorry ?

Looks to be a pickup with a body on the back.

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12 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

Absolutely insane.  Driving ridiculously fast was the main cause.  Whatever they planned and whatever might have changed on the road (e.g. the white SUV might have pulled into the middle lane), they were driving too fast to make any kind of adjustment.


Getting shredded between two vehicles is actually one of the more common videos seen on Facebook.  Leaving it too late to overtake and going too fast to slowdown and alter course.


Driving so fast that the slightest error or hazard would mean a massive collision seems like a standard and fun thing for a lot of Thai drivers.  It's not particularly surprising that we see so many incidents like this.

Like the hyper-aggressive driver who caused the pile-up because, as most Thai drivers, he had no conceptual sense of judging space and speed in relationship to the cars and trucks in front of him. How many Thai drivers, who can't accurately gauge the the traffic in front of them, actually look in a rear-view mirror to comprehend and react to what is coming at them at excessive speed from behind and then to react?

I've been in situations similar to that - where some road-raged driver traveling beyond the speed they can handle whips their vehicle into the left lane, or even onto the shoulder, to get around vehicles in front of them.  Defensive driving 101 - maintain 360 degree vigilance including knowing what is behind you on the highway. And I make it a habit to know what is behind me.  If I see some idiot coming from behind at high speed, I make adjustment to make sure I'm not in the pile-up that may about to occur based on the traffic in front of me. Those are skill-set I developed back when I first began to drive 56 years ago. If the white SUV saw Khun Road-Rage coming and got off the accelerator and tapped the brake, Khun Road-Rage may have cleared the truck, or if he hit it, the White SUV may have been able to avoid the pile-up.  Instead?  Put the blinders on and keep your foot on the gas pedal - damn the traffic and full-speed ahead. Thais drive in their own little bubble and seem to be totally unaware of what is around them. Hence? BAM!

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25 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:


It's motorway 9, km 60.

What has the f...ing lorry to do on the right lane of four!

I see that on Highway 11 between Muang Lamphun and the cut-off highway which I turn off on to go home.
See it too often.  Some moron will plant themselves in the right-hand lane driving at 70 kph and backs-up traffic behind them as there are often caravans of semi-trucks slogging along in the left lane on that particular stretch of road which are also traveling 70 kph.
Then though-traffic has to pass the moron on the left (which I don't like doing but it can be done safely) and then marvel at the number of cars and trucks that the fool is blocking as they refuse to move over to allow vehicles driving at the 90 kph speed limit by them.  And then if unlucky you get something like the video.

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Sure the driver was driving like he was high on yaba, but the root cause was the moron lorry driving in the fast lane, slowly.


Personal experience in Sri Lanka before they opened a "super-highway" from airport to Colombo was that the Government put out TV and Radio ads simply telling people to drive on the left, if they are driving slowly or even at the speed limit.


It worked!  Now, you have a super-fast lane from airport to city, with nobody on the right (fast) lane!


If the Gov't here cared, they would do such a simple ad campaign, and it may work, because IMHO the intelligence level of Sri Lankans is comparable to those of Thai....

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3 hours ago, Presnock said:

This is my opinion only but, I have over 60 years experiencing driving, 30 within Thailand and 20 more in foreign countries, some of which are as bad as here but not as crowded.  The local drivers seem to me to have learned their driving habits from their very early days of riding motorcycles and eventually they come of legal age to drive a car.  Some maybe go to a driving school but many even if they do that, still seem to be driving with their motorcycle skills.  They always seem to cut corners even when in the mountains - really scare the whatever out of me to come around a corner and some idiot is way into my lane!  They learned while on motorcycles, that they could totally ignore traffic laws and violate many laws right in front of a policeman who just ignores them.  They learned on motorcycles that no matter how crowded the traffic, one can just zoom around others changing lanes constantly, etc without any regards to the other vehicles on the road.  Mine opinion only of course but....

Exactly my own observation over the years. and. of course, you can do so much more damage with a high powered pick-up truck !

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24 minutes ago, CanadaSam said:

 but the root cause was the moron lorry driving in the fast lane, slowly.



The delivery pickup.

What speed was he doing ?, I did not see it in the video.

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17 hours ago, connda said:

Saw it on FB.  It shows a number of typical Thai driving antics that lead to accidents.

Slow truck in the right (fast) lane which won't move left.  Hyper-aggressive drivers.  Road rage.  Complete inability to read the road ahead of your own vehicle...
And - BAM.  It could have been worse. 

Hence i always sit in the fast lane between 60-80, the <deleted> can do their <deleted> in the left lane, they normally get the hint after a while that i am not budging and routinely use my breaks so not wise to sit in my arse.

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16 hours ago, Denim said:

Love to hear the excuse of the dickwad who caused this.


Brakes ?

Maybe but he may have thought there was a lamp post about to jump out in from of them. Lamp posts are notorious for jumping out

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6 hours ago, Presnock said:

This is my opinion only but, I have over 60 years experiencing driving, 30 within Thailand and 20 more in foreign countries, some of which are as bad as here but not as crowded.  The local drivers seem to me to have learned their driving habits from their very early days of riding motorcycles and eventually they come of legal age to drive a car.  Some maybe go to a driving school but many even if they do that, still seem to be driving with their motorcycle skills.  They always seem to cut corners even when in the mountains - really scare the whatever out of me to come around a corner and some idiot is way into my lane!  They learned while on motorcycles, that they could totally ignore traffic laws and violate many laws right in front of a policeman who just ignores them.  They learned on motorcycles that no matter how crowded the traffic, one can just zoom around others changing lanes constantly, etc without any regards to the other vehicles on the road.  Mine opinion only of course but....

Yes .... and you can see the ingrained scooter habits when approaching a queue of traffic ....  Thai car drivers will dive towards the sidewalk as if they intended to nip up the inside of the queue or hop onto the walkway, then realise at the last second they are not on their Scoopy.


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7 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

Yeah, and you comment 4 times so far. 😉 

Your maths skills appear to be almost unmatched. But let's double check:


How many posts have I made now?

How many posts do you usually make when you are inebriated and sitting on the can?

How many fingers am I holding up now?

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