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Pattaya: Dead as a Dodo


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After nearly 2 years it will take same to normalise unless there is another twist.

It wont happen over a  couple of weeks the amount of support staff and girls will take years, 90% have left some will never comeback

New style businesses to replace old probably more local catering for domestic many farang will not invest till a completely unrestricted normality is established

Areas that flourished in march/april will return quickly others less, some never like soi 7/8.

Tourists will be slow to return as will the airlines mainly those who have investment and committments.  

lifting the shutters in soi6 can be done in a day however i see gentlemans clubs return in numbers first

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45 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

Pattaya will come back sooner then some think unless all these vaccines are full of salt peter and it permanently kills the sex drives of men all around the world.  Let's hope not.

"Dead as a dodo" indeed ????

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19 minutes ago, connda said:

Well the government will drive a stake through the heart of farang tourism as both sex and booze spreads Covid.  So does talking, gathering with friends, swimming, walking on the beach, non-alcoholic beer, and placing a bet on Saturday's races at Newbury with your London bookie (could be fatal as the Delta variant attacks gamblers according to experts).  So virtually all activities which a farang would come to Thailand to enjoy are being made illegal by the morality police in the name of Covid.  Thank goodness farangs don't come to bet on Siamese fighting fish or Rhinoceros beetle fights. 
So of course tourism will recover!  <books ticket for Cozumel>

Yeah but people are expecting that all those restrictions will be lifted before they start letting tourists back in.

Then again, one of their great plans was to allow people in but have them confined to their hotel rooms for 2 weeks. No doubt in the anticipation that most tourists only spend 10-14 days on holiday anyways so they'd end up flying in, going to their hotel for 10-14 days then flying out again.

So who knows !

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2 hours ago, connda said:

If you put a dab of honey on the ground, how long does it take the ants to arrive.
There ya go.  It would take that long to reestablish the girls in the bars.

You would need to find some honey dabbers first, no?

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2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

The problem being, without the sex trade Pattaya isn't a place many people would want to visit.

Nah, not having that. Unfounded and cliched. You could even say more would go there if they 'cleaned' all that up.

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3 hours ago, connda said:

If you put a dab of honey on the ground, how long does it take the ants to arrive.
There ya go.  It would take that long to reestablish the girls in the bars.

 Cloud cuckoo land matey, sorry you are soooooooo wrong.

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