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my friend is currently in the US. He's thinking about coming to Thailand. Maybe in the next 2-3 Month. He's 59years old. 

Because of some health issues he can't take the Covid vaccine. So he's worried about to wait any longer for his trip to Thailand because he doesn't know if Thailand will let him in the near future without being vaccinated against Covid.  


Do you think Thailand will make the Covid vaccine mandatory for the Visa so that unvaccinated people can't even get into Thailand? 


I'm telling him that he don't have to worry because I personal don't think they will make it mandatory but that's only my personal opinion. But of course I can't tell for sure and maybe you can't too. But what you think? 

He said he heard when Thailand will open up again that you need to be vaccinated. Is that true. ? 


I'm sorry if this topic had discussed before.


Thank you for your answers. 


  • Like 1
21 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

They won't have to. The airlines will make vaccination a mandatory requirement before flying international.

The airlines won't mandate it for passengers, it be the governments that regulate them and the destinations they fly to and transit. Certainly international travel will be limited for the unvaccinated there may not be exceptions allowed. 


For Thailand they will probably require it for entry eventually but probably not for in country extensions for those will a valid Medical exemption. 

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23 minutes ago, mikebike said:

That is not born-out by facts. Currently it is private corporations driving transport mask mandates. 

What facts? What airline has mandated it for passengers?


Last year Qantas CEO shocked the business world when he said they would mandate vaccination for all passengers. That quip was never repeated,  months later coming back to say government would mandate it.


I think his Board of Directors had some words with him. Airlines are not putting on additional restrictions beyond what is mandated by governments as it could put them at a competitive disadvantage. I however would prefer to fly on an airline that mandates vaccination for all passengers and staff without a legitimate medical exemption. The airlines actually want people to fly.   


Airline Employee mandates are another question, already happening.

  • Like 2
17 minutes ago, grain said:

Nothing's going to happen in the next few months, not this year, but if the pandemic continues globally (and it certainly looks that way) and as more of the population gets vaccinated, then Thailand, and most other countries, will certainly make vaccination mandatory in order to get visas, and in my opinion, to renew visas for those foreigners already in the country. They may make exceptions to renew visas for any expats who cannot get vaccinated for medical reasons, but they are extremely unlikely to make exceptions for any unvaccinated Joe Blow tourist.


As for airlines not mandating vaccination for passengers, well Australia's Qantas has already stated several times that they are going to mandate it. And so will many other airlines. The most likely situation within another 1-2 years is unvaccinated people won't be able to do much at all other than stay home and watch TV. Proof of vaccination is going to be the only way to travel and attend concerts and get out into the world again.

Certainly international travel will be limited for those unwilling or unable to vaccinate. Due to government requirements, not airline rules. The OPs friend should try  get to Thailand before the Thai government possibly imposes such a mandate, then worry about the next step once in country.


December 2020. QF CEO says Qantas will mandate vaccinations for passengers




March 2021. Qantas CEO says governments will mandate vaccines for international travel



  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

How can they? Vaccination is voluntary, for both nationals and foreigners.

Governments can do anything they like so long as they have a majority, unfortunately. The US may be an exception, having a constitution that actually means something ( so far ). I doubt the constitution refers to covid vaccination though.

  • Like 2
12 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

How can they? Vaccination is voluntary, for both nationals and foreigners.

How could they?, by the stroke of a pen then publication in the Royal Gazette.


Every day there seems to be a new health order or decree. Every expat needs a plan B.  I have decided after the pandemic subsides plan B is shifting to plan A.


What's in your  bug out bag?

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It might well be coming, but probably gradually. Once quarantine is lifted for vaccinated travelers, it's likely that the number of unvaccinated travelers who will still need to quarantine will be quite low. At some point, they might then decide not to offer that option anymore, especially if they can fill the hotels that are now being used as quarantine facilities with vaccinated tourists.


Who knows when that might be...

  • Like 1
3 hours ago, Chivas said:

 I doubt it !!  Like all the anti vaxxer covid deniers they'll take it when push comes to shove on the quiet

I heard somewhere that many in the Trump family including Donald have been vaccinated. In that case and many others the vaccine debate is largely about politics.

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5 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

I cannot see it being mandatory within the next 2 or 3 months.

Maybe in the future if Thailand has reached herd immunity.

I can see them though start reducing the quarantine requirement to 7 days again if fully vaccinated.

If herd immunity is true and you have achieved it, then there is no worry.  It will become like the common cold.

  • Like 2
6 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

They won't have to. The airlines will make vaccination a mandatory requirement before flying international.

This is a tough time to be running an airline, plus airline profits are made on the margins. A plane with 320 people might make twice the profit of a plane with 300 people.


Nobody will want to go first on this for reasons of competitiveness.

  • Like 1
17 hours ago, Moonlover said:

How can they? Vaccination is voluntary, for both nationals and foreigners.

True vaccination is voluntary. At the same time there is no right to fly. It's up to the airlines who they let on their flights. Security risk, disruptive behavior, inappropriate clothing, etc, etc., all as "perceived" by the agent at the gate can get one barred from boarding.


And I disagree with the notion that airlines will not impose vaccine mandates on their own in order to fill the flight. I think they are far more likely to attract passengers with the assurance that everyone on board is vaccinated for the simple reason that pro-vaxxers far outnumber anti-vaxxers.

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