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Does Thailand genuinely welcome Farang?

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8 hours ago, new2here said:

Do they welcome farang?


Yes, i think they do.


If the OP can't separate the screwed up immigration system from general Thai society, it's probably a good idea to go live in a hut on a mountain in Alaska. In my 20 years in Thailand, I never felt unwelcome. Thais are cordial, polite and friendly. If you behave like a douchebag you'll probably get suckerpunched.





Edited by Led Lolly Yellow Lolly
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4 minutes ago, gearbox said:

I don't need to consider myself a foreigner, I'm a foreigner, and I'm happy with that. No problems with the Thais treating me as a foreigner - in the end I'm here on non-O retirement visa, which I consider a sort of tourist visa, how would the Thais treat tourists - as foreigners.

I seek little interaction with the Thais - have nothing against them, just have better things to do. Same as not learning Thai language - just have more interesting things to learn.


So as long as myself and Thailand are in a deal and we keep sticking to the deal terms, both parties should be happy.


this is my plan too when I come over next month and get the non-O via an agent. I find the Thais way too childish to take seriously. they're all welcoming and smiley until something goes slightly wrong and you ask them to fix it. then it's full nastiness and potential violence.

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8 hours ago, JustAnotherHun said:

Would be interesting to know Which Immigration that was.

And just one word to "how much we [retirees] contribute to the Thai economy":

You must be kidding if you really believe, a few retiree's Baht would have any measurable impact to the country's economy.

Correct, the value of all the retiree's  in Thailands input to the Thai economy would be the equivalent to peeing into the ocean. 


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Ministerial staff are renowned throughout Thailand as being idiots, a general opinion of Thai's and not my personal opinion. My partner has always and continues to work in the private sector and she just laughs at how unprofessional and lazy the public sector can be. She always said if she behaved the way they sometimes do, she would have been unemployed for going on a decade now.


Mind you I think this is the same in most countries and is not a personal trait of Thailand. You have to also understand that many who are working in ministries are there because they have connections. They are the government so in work and life in general, they feel like they are untouchable and sadly most of the time this is true. Private sector workers may make more money and have better benefits but public sector usually have more connections. There is also a tonne of ingrained gossip and boot licking in public office which probably adds to that weird environment.


Luckily in my local office, I have a nice lady who looks after my immi requirements and in general, everyone in the office is really nice and does their job properly. Sadly if you want good service you have to lick some boots, I tend to just flirt with them and they actually seem to love it.

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Most Thai people and communities accept farangs with open arms..


People are people no matter where in the world you live.  If you are a friendly and nice person you won't have any problems being accepted by the community at large.


The government however, is a different matter.  But, they may treat Thai people just as badly as farangs, if not worse in some situations.


Don't think a single bad experience with some  a.hokes at immigration reflects the attitude of the general Thai population. 




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9 hours ago, JustAnotherHun said:


You must be kidding if you really believe, a few retiree's Baht would have any measurable impact to the country's economy.

Well, I agree with you, but expatriate foreigners were all the rage for the tourist industry during the covid pandemic, even being called 'heros' for travelling domestically. . . but no, nobody in Thailand gives a hoot about a few old farts shaking a stick at a wall shouting "Yaa'll miss me when I'm gone dang it!". No one cares.




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"Immigration Officer asked me to draw a map from the Immigration Office to my home. Just to make sure they were certain that I knew exactly where I lived I named every village and suburb between the Office and my home and showed every 7/11, market and Supermarket on the map."

Anyone sensing a wee bit of negative attitude, and if any of that conveyed in body language at the Imm office, then maybe a bit of  ... som naa na.


Anyone can have an off day, but try to avoid sharing that with gov't officials you want something from.  For many, customer service isn't their forte', and they have to deal with unhappy people all day, no need to be the next one.

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3 hours ago, itsari said:

To say people venture to Thailand just for the girls is incorrect to put it politely.

Your attitude is rather sad to be frank .

Actually, I'd say your attitude is the sad one. Please show me where in my post I said that people 'venture to Thailand just for the girls'?


Jumping the gun somewhat there but seeing as you raise the subject, I've noticed a shift in recent years with more families visiting but pre covid, there's a good chance that I make more trips to Thailand per year than most and still, the majority of seats on those flights are filled by males.


Now you might believe they come for the temples or to study the culture and that's up to you - I have a different take on things.


A hell of a lot of guys visit initially for the 'naughty nighlife' - in case you haven't heard, the country is famous for it.  A lot of guys also visit to meet a girl they've met on the internet - that's much the same reason - females.  Its called attraction and its the reason the human race continues. However many of those visitors, just like myself, go on to see other sides of the country and continue visiting - many settle. Once again, predominantly males.


I'm honest enough to state the main reason I visited the country in the first place and you call that sad? Then be sad about it, I'm not.


Bring on the posts from the vast hordes of temple visitors.

Edited by KhaoYai
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3 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

What a sad chap.

Previously found your posts reasonable.

IMO offensive post. Shows limited iq IMO.

Very happy - not sad.


1st class honours degree and a certificate in Social Science.


Its a shame if the truth offends you.

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10 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Are Immigration officials in any country "welcoming" to foreigners? I didn't think so. Why would Thailand be any different?

Very true -  in the UK even British Citizens have to pay to speak or write to them!

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5 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

Actually, I'd say your attitude is the sad one. Please show me where in my post I said that people 'venture to Thailand just for the girls'?


Jumping the gun somewhat there but seeing as you raise the subject, I've noticed a shift in recent years with more families visiting but pre covid, there's a good chance that I make more trips to Thailand per year than most and still, the majority of seats on those flights are filled by males.


Now you might believe they come for the temples or to study the culture and that's up to you - I have a different take on things.


A hell of a lot of guys visit initially for the 'naughty nighlife' - in case you haven't heard, the country is famous for it.  A lot of guys also visit to meet a girl they've met on the internet - that's much the same reason - females.  Its called attraction and its the reason the human race continues. However many of those visitors, just like myself, go on to see other sides of the country and continue visiting - many settle. Once again, predominantly males.


I'm honest enough to state the main reason I visited the country in the first place and you call that sad? Then be sad about it, I'm not.


Bring on the posts from the vast hordes of temple visitors.

In that case my answer would be easy , girls girls girls 

That was your words .

So if they don't come for girls they come for viewing temples you say . More sadness 

If you want my opinion many men that do come here looking for girls as you put it had and have had  trouble finding a partner in there homeland .


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5 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

Very happy - not sad.


1st class honours degree and a certificate in Social Science.


Its a shame if the truth offends you.

You need no degrees or certificates to understand how to talk about women in a respectable way .

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1 hour ago, itsari said:

You need no degrees or certificates to understand how to talk about women in a respectable way

I didn't say you did.


If you are into to meeting old flabby, tired women, that's up to you.  Women are no different to men in that respect and its one way to tell if your 'true love' is actually genuine.  If you've let yourself go, your hygene standards are not what they used to be or you wear sandals and knee length socks, don't be surprised if it turns out your lady is more intersted in your wallet that your physical attributes.  Its called attraction and it usually occurs between 2 people when they first meet.


I have no problem with growing old with my wife and her aging too but I wouldn't be looking for a flabby unattractive woman at the outset.

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1 hour ago, itsari said:

In that case my answer would be easy , girls girls girls 

That was your words .

So if they don't come for girls they come for viewing temples you say . More sadness 

If you want my opinion many men that do come here looking for girls as you put it had and have had  trouble finding a partner in there homeland .


Quite correct but.....................it is of no consequence but on that occasion I was actually meaning myself. However, lets be honest, I do think the availability of women in Thailand and the fact that in Asian culture, it is often acceptable for a girl to have an older partner does mean that for whatever reason, the majority of Western males come to Thailand looking for a female - be that a partner, a fling or a paid for encounter.


It is also a fact that some men do come to Thailand because they have difficulty in finding a partner at home as you say - but what's the difference? The reason they come is just the same is it not - females.


I wouldn't say its many men as you do, I'd say some.  It could be said that I had trouble finding a partner in my home country - a partner who didn't carry a spare tyre round her waist and look like she'd done 11 rounds with Mike Tyson. Sorry, as I said earlier, I've looked after myself and I'm just not attracted to most women in the 'available' age group in my home country.


How many women have you seen on this forum?

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16 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Thai women have certainly been more welcoming to me than Brit women.

Does anyone else really matter?


Immigration, I don't even talk to them, I take along one of the welcoming Thai women, and the immigration officers ignore me as if I wasn't there, the only part I play is handing over the money.

This is why for the last 2 years I have been using a a very good visa agent. Last week I was in and out in less than 5 min. You supply your bank details and they do the rest, worth every baht.

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