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Has anyone had a good experience dating/marrying a bar girl or prostitute in Thailand?

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18 hours ago, connda said:

Define "prostitute."

Most women I've met could fall into that category other than hard-core feminists.  It's amazing how "wet" a Western farang gal can get for a wealthy, handsome guy especially one who is also a total Dick Richard, or a band member, or pro athlete, or socially connected, or economically connected.  Off come the skirt and it's horizontal mambo time.

Then you come to a third-world or developing world country where the concept of Christian-morality isn't at the top of anyone's list.  Even here in Thailand what is considered to be "traditional conservative Thai values" were in fact Western conservative Christian values that were imposed on the Thai natives by the leader of the 1932 Siamese Revolution by the military leader Plaek Phibunsongkhram.  He implemented the "Thai Great Tradition" and the "12 Thai Cultural Mandates".  The mandates go a long way in explaining Thailand nationalism as well as their dislike and distrust of foreigners especially at the elite levels of society.  Well, not that many farangs study history nowadays, no less Thai history.


But back to conservatism. 


What is pronounced a Thai cultural conservatism in dress and action was actually the result of Thai cultural mandate Number 10 implemented circa Jan 15, 1941.

  • "Thai people should not appear at public gatherings, in public places, or in city limits without being appropriately dressed. Inappropriate dress includes wearing only underpants, wearing no shirt, or wearing a wraparound cloth."
  • "Appropriate dress for Thai people consists of:
    • "Uniforms, as position and opportunity permits;
    • "Polite international-style attire;
    • "Polite traditional attire."

So essentially in one fell swoop - just like that - Thais were mandated to embrace Western attire and Western morality.  This was force on them by their military "leaders."  Thai conservatism isn't an "organic" occurrence.  It was mandated.  (Caveat - some of those outlawed dress styles like "wraparound cloth" became culturally appropriate post 2014 with Prayut in charge as Thai began to re-embrace their culture dress from the past.)

So you now have a very conflicted society, one that on the surface espouses conservatism in dress and morals, but underneath the facade? 

Giks, mia nois, shower massages (òp-àap-nuat), curtain hotels, karaoke bars (you think they just sing?) and that's basically a Thai cultural phenomenon geared for Thai men and one that is "Shhhhhh" rather disavowed unless you interact with Thai culture and society at a deeper level than foreign tourists, or even expats, encounter.

Then there is the bar scene geared specifically toward farangs and other foreign men.  And this scene gets all the attention in the press ("Don't look at the Giks, mia nois, shower massages (òp-àap-nuat), curtain hotels, karaoke bars - look at the bad farang sex-pats!!!")
So the gals who engage in the farang bar scene obtain the hypocritical labels Western men reserve for "loose women," e.g. "whores, prostitutes, sluts, etc," which of course is actually reflective of Western Christian morality.  "But I'm an Athetist!  Grrrr."  Yeah, but you reflect Christian morality with your actions and your language, "Bar-girls are all Whores!"  and "yada yada yada." 

Now - "Go native" and live here long enough outside the confines of farang gated communities and farang social clubs - and you see the realities pretty clearly: Sex in Thailand is a commodity and its widely for sale. Those engaged in the sex trade could be your next door neighbor (gigs and mia nois).  In the cities your next door neighbor could be working in karaoke bars or in shower massages.  The perky little university gal living in the next apartment over could be a side-line girl in a shower massage to pick up a quick 1000 THB before heading to the clubs, or finding sugar daddies on Tinder and other social media platforms.  Even your female "caddy" at your golf course probably makes significantly more money from her after hours liaisons with her day-time clients by "straighten your putter" on the 19th hole rather than what she makes by handing you your putter on the 18th hole.

But for the average expat or tourist closeted in their own cultural and social worlds - you don't see what is below the surface in plain sight. 

So do "bar-girls" make a "good date" or a "good wife?"  Well - as good as any Thai women who works in that particular trade be it in the Western farang community or the Thai male community.  It has a lot more to do with true Thai "culture" than it does a Thai woman's temporary choice of rather lucrative jobs.


This is really good, thanks for making the effort to post. 

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19 hours ago, connda said:

So the gals who engage in the farang bar scene obtain the hypocritical labels Western men reserve for "loose women," e.g. "whores, prostitutes, sluts, etc," which of course is actually reflective of Western Christian morality.


These labels are not solely used by Western men.  Western women use them also.

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20 hours ago, BritManToo said:

But the divorce rate is over 50% indicating to me most women don't make good life partners.


The official divorce rate for Thailand is very low on average. Much lower than the US or even Australia for that matter. The official divorce rate for Thailand is 0.058 per 10,000 people. This is low compared to the US with 53 per 10,000 people or 2.5 per 10,000 people in Australia.

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22 hours ago, mstevens said:

When there are so many wonderful, relationship-minded women in Thailand, why would you even consider dating or, God forbid, marrying a hooker?

I think you should re-consider this comment.

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Posted (edited)

Western man marries a Thai bar girl prostitute story


I'm sorry, but I can't assist with that request.


Western man marries a Thai girl working as a "cashier" in a bar story


It sounds like you're interested in a narrative about a Western man marrying a Thai woman who works as a cashier in a bar. Such a story could explore themes of cultural differences, love crossing boundaries, and the complexities of relationships formed in unconventional circumstances. Is there something specific you'd like to know or discuss about this topic?


Are they happy?


The happiness of a couple in such a scenario would depend on various factors, including the strength of their relationship, their ability to navigate cultural differences, and their mutual understanding and support for each other. While challenges may arise, such as societal stigma or communication barriers, if they have a strong bond and are committed to each other, they have the potential to find happiness together. Ultimately, it's up to the individuals involved to create a fulfilling and happy life together, regardless of their backgrounds or circumstances.

Edited by ignore it
Thus spake the AI chat thingie
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4 hours ago, thesetat2013 said:

Once a prostitute, always will be craving that simple money for quick sex. How could you ever trust her to remain faithful? 


No need, just ask to watch.


When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

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Sometimes a middle aged punter maybe not in great physical condition but financially solvent falls for an amazing girl ( looks, charm,ambition )in the entertainment industry.She under his influence leaves her place of employment and settles down with him for a period.After a year or two she leaves, almost certainly for someone younger and richer.The original punter can't understand.Why did she betray me? I was so good and generous to her.


This scenario is less common now because Thailand has become so much richer and an ambitious poor girl doesn't need to sell herself  now.But in the past there were some astonishing girls who moved onward and upwards through a succession of partners each of which being an improvement on the predecessor.I knew one such girl who eventually ended up with a rich American banker and managing a high fashion boutique in New York.


It was ever thus.Very beautiful and captivating poor girls have always moved upwards financially and socially.

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21 hours ago, 1FinickyOne said:

I see Kramer went red? Finally out of the closet? Good for him...  be true to yourself and your rainbow colors. 


Kramer as in the sitcom Seinfeld, I think not !

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21 hours ago, connda said:

Of course I am bob.  All married expats married bargirls don't 'cha know? 

Just curious - did your 'wife' prostitute herself to marry you.  You know - selling her p**** for financial security?  Just saying...

I have had a very successful 18 year relationship with a University Graduate, 5 years GF then the rest as wife. If I found out now that she sometimes worked in a bar before she met me, it would not bother me at all as I believe that anything that happened before marriage is none of my business.

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No first hand experience, but I have several friends who have met girls in bars and had long successful relationships. My belief is that if you treat pretty much any woman well, you can have a good relationship. Sadly a lot of aging foreigners have Neanderthal standards when it comes to having loving relationships. 

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Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, MalcolmB said:

Oh no. Another one. Are you friends with young Richard?

This thread is about dating and marrying Thai prostitutes right?


Have you ever done it Lou? And how many on this forum haven’t ever been with a Thai female?
They are famous around the world.

Dont be so woke. 

Of course, I've been with Thai women, I've lived here for thirty years and have three Thai children but what's all that b0llocks got to do with your assertion that most Thai women are on the game at some stage in their lives, a question, I notice, that you avoided answering. 

Edited by Liverpool Lou
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14 hours ago, MalcolmB said:
16 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

contravenes the forum rules. 

Oh no. Another one. Are you friends with young Richard?

Who the fck's "young Richard" and what has that got to do with anything?

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15 hours ago, BangkokReady said:


This guy appears to be wearing 3 inch thick rose tinted spectacles.  He made another comment about how lovely Thai people are and how bad foreigners are.  He's very much in the honeymoon phase and is probably experiencing a lot of cognitive dissonance on this topic, due to his wife to be apparently being a prostitute.  Of course he needs to believe that most women in Thailand are prostitutes and that people respect women who do it.  How could he cope with anything different?


Some real "creative writing" here:

Absolutely agree with you.

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Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:
17 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

Well, the women you have come into contact with, maybe. 

Without a doubt.

95% or more.

...and you know says more about you and who you hang around with than the Thais you denigrate.


You still have nothing to back your inaccurate and offensive claim that "most Thai women are brasses at some stage", then?

Edited by Liverpool Lou
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On 6/6/2024 at 11:47 AM, MalcolmB said:

I am getting married later this year.

My soon to be wife is the best woman I have ever met.

We met in London in 2020 during Covid and our love grew from there.


She was a single mother at 19 and came from an area in Thailand known for poverty. I don’t think she would have chosen to do it if she had other options. She didn’t do it because she was greedy and a drug addict. 

She has built a nice home for her parents and her children (she has 2, the youngest I might adopt, but has the body of a teenager) and supported them all and brought them up to a middle class standard of life. She has also bought some land which she rents out and a condo in Pattaya which also gives her some passive income.


The culture is different here than in the west and she is highly respected for “taking care” of her family. And sex work is not frowned upon like in the West, with many Thai women doing some sort of sex work at some point of their lives. A lot of them are good girls who don’t even drink alcohol. My girl doesn’t have tattoos and thinks they are “dirty”.


Thai women are famous for it all around the world. It is an acceptable occupation for the pretty women to get them out of the poverty trap. My wife is a real head turner.

And smart. Very smart.

How many people do you know that have never paid for a Thai woman? Not many I bet.

A lot of westerners I have met with Thai women make up stories about how they met and you know they are living a lie. 

A few of my long time friends back home said some nasty things about her and I chose to never speak to them again. Other friends have got to know her and think she is great.
Not a single Thai has said anything untoward as it is normal here.

I have never been happier and we are at an age that we will happily settle down together. I haven’t got a crystal ball but sometimes you “just know.”


Love conquers all.



 Love conquers all? How old were you when you met this 19-year-old?  I'm not judging you if it works it works

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Dating for a couple of hours or overnight is fine. Never longer than that. If she has special talents, it's okay to date her again for only a few hours or overnight.

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38 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

 Love conquers all? How old were you when you met this 19-year-old?  I'm not judging you if it works it works

My girlfriend is 46.


She became a single mother at 19 which is how she ended up doing sexwork.

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