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100 years - any futurists out there?

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think of all the advancements in the last 100 years... commercial airlines, remote controls.. computers/internet/in home movie theatres... 


The first ever TV set was invented by Scottish inventor John Logie Baird, and debuted in the mid 1920s. It was a mechanical TV, and nothing like the ones we know today. It was made of an old hat box, a tea chest, old bike light lenses, needles, scissors, glue and ceiling wax.


where will mankind be in the next 100 years? 


computer chips implanted w/infusions of feel good chemicals? better food? better entertainment? Or are we doomed and no way do we exist? 

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3 minutes ago, mfd101 said:

Hard to be optimistic about the future.


H. sapiens spreading like a plague of locusts across the landscape, destroying everything as it goes. And still with all the same characteristics it's always had, notably greed & aggression.

What have you done about it?

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We are already with too many people on the planet . That is a simple fact . Lucky or unlucky , however you want to call it , we are at the moment smart enough to give everybody food ( people who do not have depends on local war , poor politics ,..., but there is enough food on the planet right now ) . This will still go on for a while , but the climate thing will be a ongoing thing , since more and more people creating more and more problems . And then follows some kind of remedy , which nature always got with overpopulation . A we find ourselves reduced by a big war , since we are living too close together creating stress , B nature takes it back by disease of some kind , C starvation solves it by a disrupted system of some kind , and or all 3 together .

Will the human kind survive , yes more then probable , since plenty of examples in nature .

Anyway i do not expect much good for the next 100 y . About the technology and everything else , well we ain't seen nothing yet is my believe . Computers getting faster and faster , and they will find many things we can't solve just yet right now .

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3 billion on the planet when i was born 12 billion by 2050, i dread to think what the future holds ,especially if you get some nut like kim Jong starts a war or those who believe that when you die you go to meet mo and get a load of virgins.

As the prophecy goes ," world war 3 will be faught with nuclear weapons and world war 4 with sticks and stones" 

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AI already here & will finish us soon...or jihadi suitcase nuke triggering WW3

Every attempt to forecast 100 years ahead has been massivly wrong

HG Wells closest when forecasting very precisely WW 2 start  & air wars

Human Collective Insanity combined with Genius Inventions ; Fatal Combo.

War, Religion, WMD, Irrationalty, AI, Globalism, Over Population, Climate Change, Water & Food Shortages, Power Madness, Massive Corruption, 

Huge Wealth Disparities.How much longer can we last; <100 years for sure.



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1 hour ago, KhunBENQ said:



20 billion population living a miserable life feeding from some "synthetic" food.

Movie suggestion: Soylent Green.

It was produced in 1973 and forecast a dark future in 2022(!) with New York as a role model.

Sure it was a bit too early with the prediction but we are on the way.


No we are not on the way at all. Prior to Covid-19 world poverty was diminishing as was hunger. World wealth was increasing. The only dystopian future we face will be as a result of eco activists and extremists who wish to limit our freedoms.

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1 hour ago, KhunBENQ said:


20 billion population living a miserable life feeding from some "synthetic" food.

Movie suggestion: Soylent Green.

It was produced in 1973 and forecast a dark future in 2022(!) with New York as a role model.

In all fairness, when your dead your dead. There's actually an argument for processing and eating the dead to solve world hunger ! Though I think I'd be more a sort of tough jerky than biscuit !

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People have been predicting the end of the world since ... well, since there has been people.


I have confidence in the inginuity of mankind. Barring a huge catastrophe (like the one that wiped out the dinosaurs) we will continue to thrive on this amazing planet.





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hydrogen is the world's energy source, vehicles don't need to "fill" or "recharge", they just swap out standardized energy cells


polluted water is the world's worst problem, and it's polluted everywhere, but at different levels, causing diseases in poor countries and cancers in rich countries


global warming has not been stopped


many animal species disappeared, especially insects in Western countries, birds and fish


food is increasingly produced in highly automated hydroponic farms


standard of living in Western countries will have gone down a lot. only a minority will be able to afford a private dwelling


government control on individuals will be overwhelming, private liberties will be cut back by a lot, cash currency will disappear


a brain-machine interface performant enough to use a computer as we do now with keyboard and mouse will have been developed


land vehicles and airplanes can operate fully automated in standard conditions



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The whole American political process thing through me a bit in terms of what people in Western countries are willing to accept. China is a big concern and climate change too.

Last 50 years poverty is way down around the world and the internet  lets people with half a brain around the world find the truth. Religion much weaker  in the west though still strong. The waterways, air in cities, and other pollution had been worse in western countries 100 years ago. Medicine has made huge bounds. The normal western job in 2021 is much easier  than in 1921 .

So next 100 years hopefully more of what has happened in Western democracies in other countries, more new technologies, less reliance on faith, and some tough decisions made about how to balance freedom of the people with safety of the people. 


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6 hours ago, JeffersLos said:

China rules every country in the world. ????

Well , actually the shift of the most important country in the world is been shifting since quite a while . US is keeping it's hope up , but tbh i don't think they can stand a chance . This shift happens every X amount of years , in the old ages China was the most important , and much was copied ( yes indeed ) by Europeans and improved and they took over most important . They did stay most important till WW2 , when US took over . Now the focus is shifting back to China and Asia in general .

Who knows in 100y , but it wouldnt surprise me if Africa would take over as most important , since huge amount of resources .

Anyway , i think there will be something bad will happen to us before that , like my previous post . If it is war , then this shift in powers is certainly the most important reason ( even if something else triggers the thing ) . Do not forget that many views about world politics is viewed by the side you watch it , and this shift in powers is already played out at highest lvls .

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