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41,000 expats in Thailand register for vaccine using Expatvac

Jonathan Fairfield

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I randomly got told today (I am in isaan) that there was a clinic in the town that were dishing out the Sinovac vaccine today for anyone, followed by the AZ one in 21 days. So i jumped on my bike armed with just my PP shot round there and was in and in 30 mins, most impressive I must say.


A for any vaccine snobs, I didn't give a monkies what the vaccine was as I couldn't care less about Covid and only wanted to be jabbed so I'm not restricted in doing anything if we ever have a world again..

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28 minutes ago, DualSportBiker said:

Good luck with Sinovac - it has been shown quite clearly to not work. As for "experimental potentially long term dangerous DNA interfering" you are exposing your abject lack of understanding...


FDA in USA on track to accept Pfizer as full time vaccine in September.  I wouldn’t take SinoVac, and feel sorry for those who have no choice.

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19 minutes ago, david555 said:

I am sure Thais over 60 ,or with conditions /pregnant  shall also be included , on condition they registered on a place 

I was referring to those under 60 with no conditions. Mind you, we don't really need one. 

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2 hours ago, jvs said:

My understanding is that we are to receive Pfizer,that is why i registered.

I registered as well thinking that we are only to receive Pfiizer, but its never that straight forward in Thailand as people are posting that they will get Sinovac or AZ first dose then Pfizer second dose. If that's the case then its a big No thanks or me.

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1 hour ago, rayw said:

it is good news for those who are misinformed enough to accept having an experimental potentially long term dangerous DNA interfering drug injectinginto their bodyu when their are traditional and long established safer drugs just as efective against death and serious illness.


I hope we have a choice of a non mRNA vaccine too as I otherwise I have just wasted my time regisering.  Yes I am 75 and have three of the underlying listed conditions that make me very vulnerable but I still am not senile and thus will not be pumped like a sheep with an experimantal mRNA vaccine thank you. So I hope there is a choice of at least one other non mRNA vaccine when I go to get jabbed.  I will gladly pay the additional cost of a Sinovac jab which I believe is exported from China at around US$10 (320 Baht) a shot or AZ which is a similar price but I for one will not be ripped off by some of these greedy corporate private hospitals and neither should any of us allow ourselves to be so ripped off. 


Crazy thing is there are many Thais who are for some odd reason crying out for mRNA vaccines, so I am happy to have their traditiinally produced safe Sinovac/Sinopharm and they can gladly have the mRNA they wrongly think all farangs want .  Everyone should be given a choice of at least two different types of covid vaccine as I know many who do not want DNA modifying drugs injected into their bodies and others who are brainwashed into swallowing the anti Chinese US led ignorant propaganda.  Up to them of course as that is their free choice, but a choice of vaccine really should be given as there clearly are alternatives available here now. 


That is not unreasonable and should be understood by all whether you are pro or anti mRNA or even a more extreme anti vaxxer, what we do with out bodies is our own free choice and always must be and must know and accept the consequences of our choices.

It never ceases to amaze me that while COVID-19 mRNA vaccines have been available for half a year already, there are those who not only have no idea what they are and how they work, but who are so willing to publish completely incorrect information about them. For anyone who has read this person's description of mRNA vaccines as "DNA modifying drugs," please take the time to do your own research and don't be misled by someone who obviously hasn't done theirs.


To the original poster, all I can say is I hope you ultimately make your health decisions based on facts and not nonsense. I'm sure there are people out there who would hate to lose you due to ignorance.

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8 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

It is understood 150,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine, which was recently donated to Thailand by the United States government will be used to vaccinate expats in Thailand.

Sorry to be a buzz kill but that statement is ambiguous. It does not say for a fact that 150K doses of Pfizer will be used to vaccinate expats 'It is understood.....'


It does not say those 150K doses will be used for the people that register via Expatvac website.


And if I recall correctly the Thai government said the 150K doses 'might' be used for foreigners they did not specifically say expats.

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58 minutes ago, ballpoint said:

No conditions were set by the US government as to how they were to be distributed, it is the Thai government who have allocated 10% of them (150,000 doses) to foreigners.

You can claim and believe what you want


IMO private conversations were had behind closed doors and instructions were given which will never be disclosed

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17 minutes ago, nightfox said:

I registered as well thinking that we are only to receive Pfiizer, but its never that straight forward in Thailand as people are posting that they will get Sinovac or AZ first dose then Pfizer second dose. If that's the case then its a big No thanks or me.

one person on this thread posted a very unique experience without any details - I would bin it until the poster provides more info

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13 minutes ago, nightfox said:

What are the chances of us actually getting Pfizer as all Hospitals are saying:


The vaccines are Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Sinovac vaccines which will depend on availability/allocation and cannot be chosen.

Funny because I was given a choice, Pfizer. Sinovac was not offered

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7 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


 This doesn't make sense.


Wouldn't all 32,563 under age 60 have "underlying health conditions"?





Why? I’m 77 and am in good health. I’d be playing tennis if they hadn’t closed the courts down….also ride the bike and they put a crimp on that closing the parks. They put large concrete blocks in place so we cannot use the park road, but all it really stops are the Thais who were fishing in the big lake…..strange.

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I am not complaining as I think I am in a better position than many other expats and Thais. My niece who is a wizard on the internet got me an appointment and a first jab of AZ in Bangkok way back on the 1st July. My next appointment for my second, I won't say vaccination incase something untoward happens, such as running out of vaccine, is on the 22 Sept. As I reside in Sattahip it seems crazy, that me, being in my late eighties, has to drive to Bangkok when people are being urged to stay at home. Is there not some way to have the appointment moved to Pattaya I wonder, or even somewhere local? Another mystery of the orient.????

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Be ware that the government wants to dump millions of doses of Chines Sinovac. I am told that Sinovac is less than 20% effective. I read in the Bangkok Post where 600 health care workers had taken 2 doses of Sinovac and came down with the virus. Yesterday I went to a large public gathering of Chiang Rai residents for public vaccination. When we arrived there we learned that the only thing the government had was Sinovac. The neighborhood clinic told us to go there to get Pfizer vaccine. I doubt that any Pfizer donated by the USA will ever leave Bangkok. We walked away.


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53 minutes ago, jazzdog32095 said:

That is the same website I use went through the process didn't get a confirmation except that my email was register meaning wait!  I was request the date and time I wanted maybe that was the problem filled?  August 15th at 15:30

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I registered today after getting my passport back from immigration.


I wonder if it will include our wives?


We've already registered and paid for Moderna.

But this government wouldn't hesitate to confiscated it under some "emergency decree".  The Thai Red Cross has already taken over a million of the vacs.


Anyways I feel better with a backup plan.


I'm in Issan though.  I hope they store the vaccines properly.  

Edited by MrJ2U
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1 hour ago, smedly said:

You can claim and believe what you want


IMO private conversations were had behind closed doors and instructions were given which will never be disclosed

I'm just reporting on what the US Embassy has officially announced. 

I take it you will be refusing this vaccine on principle?

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10 minutes ago, ballpoint said:

I'm just reporting on what the US Embassy has officially announced. 

I take it you will be refusing this vaccine on principle?

you can take what you like and believe what you like

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2 hours ago, Chosenfew said:

Some facts about the Phiser vaccine:


Must be stored at very cold conditions, requiring a special refrigeration, I recall-80C.


It has a very short shelf life and can easily spoil if not kept cold.


For maximum effectiveness, the 2nd dose must be given 3 weeks after the first dose.

others have posted info on the storage temp requirements (that has changed from the ultra cold).


it is my understanding that the 3 week interval is actually NOT for maximum effectiveness.  a longer period provides the maximum.  the 3 week interval was used in the US to give people a 'quick effectiveness', two was better than one.  they didn't want to wait a couple months for the second, they wanted to get the huge surge in dec/jan under control ASAP.


here is a link on the more preferred interval (calling the sweet spot 8 weeks):





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How many people registered without supplying proof of underlying health problems?

Many people have hypertension that was diagnosed in their home country thus no "diagnosis card" 

How many have other underlying health problems without having a "diagnosis card"


How does one get a "diagnosis card" here in Thailand?  The Dr.'s here write medication perscriptions but not diagnosis card.

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23 minutes ago, MrJ2U said:

I registered today after getting my passport back from immigration.


I wonder if it will include our wives?


We've already registered and paid for Moderna.

But this government wouldn't hesitate to confiscated it under some "emergency decree".  The Thai Red Cross has already taken over a million of the vacs.


Anyways I feel better with a backup plan.


I'm in Issan though.  I hope they store the vaccines properly.  

In the same boat here.  If they only vaccinate the qualifying foreigners, and not their younger Thai wives—she will either wait for our prepaid Moderna doses, or maybe an AZ dose beforehand.

Or on to Plan C, fly back to USA.

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26 minutes ago, HaoleBoy said:

How many people registered without supplying proof of underlying health problems?

Many people have hypertension that was diagnosed in their home country thus no "diagnosis card" 

How many have other underlying health problems without having a "diagnosis card"


How does one get a "diagnosis card" here in Thailand?  The Dr.'s here write medication perscriptions but not diagnosis card.

I believe I have read a notification from Samitivej related to proof of underlying conditions for the vaccine which stated that they would accept medical records within the past year, or medication prescriptions within the past year. I have no idea of other hospitals or government vaccination centers are using the same criteria.

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2 hours ago, smedly said:

You can claim and believe what you want


IMO private conversations were had behind closed doors and instructions were given which will never be disclosed

For sure that the US made sure that foreigners would get that allotment.

No way this conniving government would part with 150,000 doses of Pfeizer.

No way!

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49 minutes ago, Isaan sailor said:

In the same boat here.  If they only vaccinate the qualifying foreigners, and not their younger Thai wives—she will either wait for our prepaid Moderna doses, or maybe an AZ dose beforehand.

Or on to Plan C, fly back to USA.

It would make sense of course to vaccinate the wives.  Many of us also have young children.

That would go a long way protecting entire families.


Thailand seems to be in a fog when it comes to life saving vaccine organization and dispersal.


Good luck to you and your family.

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