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Thailand seeks 12 million Sinovac shots for mix-and-match vax strategy


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29 minutes ago, CartagenaWarlock said:

Are they yet publishing any data how many vaccinated  people are getting hospitalized? Or may be the vaccination rate in the population has not reached a level to collect any meaningful data yet. Not sure. Looking at infection rate of UK, USA, and Israel, I am not yet convinced that the type of vaccine really matters. However, CDC claims that 99% in the US hospitals are unvaccinated which, of course, seditionists in the USA dispute.

No vaccine is going to prevent one from getting infected or spreading to others. However, the claim in the USA is now that vaccination reduces the risk of hospitalization and death only not catching the disease or spreading it. 

The US is less than 99% but still very low....this is the data pre-delta per state:




As it looks like the vaccines fade with time, the percentages probably would increase, but maybe not too much.


The Nathon hospital in Samui reported that there have been no symptomatic cases among the vaccinated people in the latest wave there. 

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16 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

They love the Sinovac ,must be some very good commissions been


regards worgeordie

The commissions may play a role but the main thing is that you order with the Chinese and they deliver. I'm pretty sure the government would order 12 mil Moderna shots instead of Sinovac if they are going to be here in a month. In fact I'm very surprised how a relatively small and obscure company like Sinovac is able to fulfill orders so quickly, but the customers have to wait for months for orders with big pharma giants like Pfizer. It could be also that countries like Thailand are tossed at the back of the queue all the time.

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35 minutes ago, JimGant said:

Many other countries are showing interest in this approach, as the potential benefit seems to outweigh any potential harm.... What's to lose in this madhouse environment?

Had a Sinovac jab two weeks ago, and will have an AstraZeneca jab next week. Will let you know if I grow a second penis.

Leaving aside the health benefits the Sinovac + AZ combination won't save you from the dreaded expensive hotel quarantine in countries like UK and Australia (when it opens).

Also it is not clear what is the booster strategy for this combo...if it is a mRNA vaccine it would be quite a cocktail????

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1 hour ago, CartagenaWarlock said:

Looking at infection rate of UK, USA, and Israel,

I should have included Chile (mostly Sinvac). The rates of infection per 100K population are similar. May be hospitalization and death rate are different. So, the emphasis now must be on hospitalization and death for each type of vaccines as no vaccines can prevent infection.


Edited by CartagenaWarlock
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Right now news is coming in that most of covid patients hospitalised or dying in Israel are Pfizer double-jabbed. This maybe partly because Israel has run out of unvaccinated 60+ years-old. All the same, given such sobering news, mixing and matching everything you've got to mix and match is worth a try.

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26 minutes ago, smedly said:

Publish the study and have it peir reveiwed or your claims are worthless and are seen as another  act of desperation and quite frankly lies 

Everyone that I have seen take these 2 vaccines and most only 14 days apart have been very sick. Most take 2 days off from work but if you take 3 days you need a letter from the hospital where you got the jab.

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