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Thailand eases COVID-19 restrictions - but only for people who are vaccinated

Jonathan Fairfield

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6 minutes ago, smedly said:

I think an earlier poster summed it up pretty well


Thailand is adopting what a lot of countries in the west are doing but the big difference is vaccine deployment, introducing rules based on the fully vaccinated,  when the reality is Thailand is nowhere near that point - creating rules based on vaccine status when they have failed to provide the effective vaccines is an affront to 90% of the population - but hey lets see where this ends up

Exactly, same things happening in Indonesia, requiring proof of vaccine before the majority of people are vaccinated. If your going to bring in policies like this then make sure you've provided adequate jabs first otherwise you are creating more inequality in an already unequal vaccination roll out.


Experts have criticized the government's policy on proof of COVID-19 vaccination, deeming it "untimely" and "unfair" to the public because Indonesia is still struggling with a low vaccination rate. The policy was introduced earlier this month in several major cities on Java island, and has since been expanded to other regions across the archipelago as the government eased more restrictions. It requires people visiting shopping malls and sport venues to show a digital vaccination record via the government's mobile app PeduliLindungi.


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11 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

I always thought (as does every expert in this matter) one of the best control measures was mass testing the community. They obviously think differently. 

well up until now, it now seems that testing has suddenly become important going forward, the difference being they have pushed the resposibilty onto the individual 

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3 hours ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

If you are vaccinated but, I am not, what risk do I pose to you? If you are vaccinated BUT are still able to catch and spread the virus to me.....what use is your being vaccinated to me, in relation to stopping the spread to me? The vaccine seems a bit like a treatment, it stops YOU from dying... or getting very sick, or so they say. Ok, I will go with that,. Therefore, I have no problem with you getting a vaccine. If you are vaccinated then great, the vaccines work right? So....whats the problem? 


Similar levels of virus.....mmmmmmm......sounds 'catching' 




Some vaccinated people are getting seriously ill and some are dying. They are being infected by someone else. 

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8 hours ago, 2 is 1 said:

This is so pitiful as can be! Try to copy other coutrys system in Thailand, those countrys has almost vaccinated all who want vaccine! Its also one tool to "force" rest people to get vaccine, these donks think great we open restaurants and all sinovac jabbed run in ! Hallelujah all in this  business sector has saved and owners of restaurants are happy! 

Sometimes I visit a restaurant if I have visitors, normally once or twice a year, they may stay for a month so that's multiple visits.


No visitors, no restaurants and I'm certainly not getting visitors from abroad these days.


I like a few beers down some pub every now and again (like once or twice every couple of weeks) but since they closed all the bars I haven't missed it at all so for all I care they can close it all down, open it up, whatever they want - I literally don't give a <deleted> and even when they do open it up - if there's hoops to jump through - I won't be bothering.


Edited by ukrules
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6 hours ago, James105 said:

Now try replacing the word “unvaccinated” with “obese” in what you said here and see if you still stand by your desire for medical apartheid based on peoples personal choices about what they put into their bodies.

Collective healthcare cost of Covid over 2 years estimated to be between $56 Billion to $556 Billion



Healthcare costs attributed to obesity in 2014 were $1.4 Trillion (and probably more now)


https://stop.publichealth.gwu.edu/sites/stop.publichealth.gwu.edu/files/Infographics/Fast Facts/Revised Fast Facts 7-2020/Costs of Obesity.pdf

I think you may be on to something here.




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14 hours ago, neillyweilly said:

Exactly. And let's look at the demographics of the 8%.


Did you mean to say ‘let’s look at the demographics through my one-eyed bias without providing any actual facts but just opinions and generalizations ’? 


You know who the first people were to be vaccinated in my company ?

The office maids, who live in Klong Toei, double jabbed by end of April.


Rest of the company is still waiting for their 2nd in a couple of weeks. 

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16 hours ago, DaLa said:

I cant decipher the yellow print on pink background , so I'm going to assume I can eat as of September 1st.  If my comprehension is correct it means you can't visit a 7-11 or mom and pop store or supermarket unless you have had 2 doses !


Whoops , just read it's a developing story, so I can expect this to be withdrawn 31st August.

"Yellow card for those who have recovered from covid with negative test result within 7 days"

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14 hours ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

No, they don't. Vaccinated people have a much lower chance of being infected than the unvaccinated.





I have some new information :https://www.nydailynews.com/coronavirus/ny-covid-delta-variant-pfizer-protection-past-case-20210827-kbyqgjpsyvc5rfzq6k4tdfejga-story.html#ed=rss_www.nydailynews.com/arcio/rss/category/news

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11 hours ago, smedly said:

the very nature of your post implies you are judging other members on this forum 


and by your self appointed superior position you think otherwise - meaning you know better - like I said - you don't, that doesn't detract from your right to an opinion of course but it does clarify exactly what you said - you called other posters out - I am calling you out

time for ignore i think.    lol

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