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Trump Booed at Arizona Rally Over His New Endorsement


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31 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

Won 2016, wins 2024. The swamp gators trying to stop it.

Actually lost in 2016 popular vote aka democracy. Instead a 200 years relic dedicated to the preservation of slavery electoral college gave him an undeserving win. 

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5 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Another instance of I don't like Trump but...

Which latest tax and spend bill are you referring to? 

And, you're wrong. The U.S. is not in a technical recession. A country cant be in a recession when job growth is still so strong. 

Probably the one in the works for climate, energy, reform on drugs apparently agreed to by Manchin where they blindsided McConnell. Estimates could be $700 billion paid for by taxes on wealthy corporations. I couldn't remember McConnell's name so I googled turtle republican and there it is. 

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19 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Having trouble looking past your nose?  My comment referred to the line "any president will be able to get away with anything" and I was applying that line to Biden, who seems to be willfully destroying the USA right now - with impunity. 


I don't do cults - sorry. I actually never liked Trump much but looking at the US decline over the last 18 months and what Trump did achieve (especially w.r.t. no new wars while building up the military to handle the possibility of one of these), then, yes, I think he was a far better president but you don't have to be in a cult for that. Or do you?? 


Biden is a disaster - across the board - and this is well reflected in his approval numbers. Now the latest tax and spend bill has passed, while the economy is hit by 9% inflation (at least) and technical recession that will deepen more now. Amazingly dumb.


I think that Trump will not run again. For that to happen successfully, then he would have had to heed the advice given to him after November 2020 and accepted his loss, done a handover with Biden and then started working on 2024, after a few rounds of golf.


Whatever these recent sham hearings come up with, there really isn't anything much new that anyone with open eyes hasn't seen already. Trump's biggest problem was not letting go much sooner - whatever he thought about the election - and I think even he knows that now.  


These are not ‘sham hearings’.



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4 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Actually lost in 2016 popular vote aka democracy. Instead a 200 years relic dedicated to the preservation of slavery electoral college gave him an undeserving win. 

Wow , we now have people deciding for themselves  what democracy means , deciding for themselves what treason means and deciding for themselves what recession means .

   People seem to be changing what words mean and making up their own definition 

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1 minute ago, Sparktrader said:

He won the election. Why so many haters?

I guess when you've got nothing you resort to mass personal attacks on people who criticize Trump. How critics of Trump may feel about him is irrelevant.. What is relevant are the facts.

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8 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

Doubt it unless they are on the take.

As pointed out previously apparently to no avail, the DA in Georgia previously went after teachers for promoting cheating on standardized exams. She got lots of convictions. The Democratic leaning teachers' union was none too happy about that. You haven't got a shred of evidence about bribery. Stop making things up.

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18 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

It is true . 

Treason only applies if a military personnel  sets the military onto the elected Government , it doesn't apply to citizens 

I'm talking about trump's treason and you're being deliberately obtuse. That's called trolling so get back under your bridge.

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12 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

Trump wins easily 2024 unless in jail. Thats why the swamp is after him. 

More empty predictions. Oh, and accusation of bribery without producing a shred of evidence to support it. You got some kind of allergy to facts?

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16 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Another instance of I don't like Trump but...

Which latest tax and spend bill are you referring to? 

And, you're wrong. The U.S. is not in a technical recession. A country can't be in a recession when job growth is still so strong. 

How many instances like this have you seen? I was being truthful.


The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 - more spending - expected to pass next week.


The U.S. is in a technical recession using the commonly accepted parameters used historically. It's only the Democrats and the Fed that have suddenly decided they want to change them - LOL.

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4 minutes ago, placeholder said:



Recession Referees Reject Idea That Two GDP Drops Spell a Downturn

Informal rule of thumb has no merit to NBER recession group

US expansion continuing this year, ex-committee members say



And it's especially false when employment has been growing at a healthy pace.


Payrolls increased 372,000 in June, more than expected, as jobs market defies recession fears


Although, from your link 


That was after data Thursday showed gross domestic product fell at a 0.9% annualized rate in the second quarter after a 1.6% drop in the first three months of the year. He declined to comment on the current economy.



The nonpartisan panel, which was established in 1978 by former Ronald Reagan adviser and NBER president Martin Feldstein, typically takes about a year to decide on a recession call and sometimes almost twice as long. "

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15 minutes ago, placeholder said:

He also said he wanted the metal detectors turned off at the rally since the people who were attending wouldn't be a threat to him. Hmm...now who would they be a threat to?

Do that mean you concede that he used the peaceful word?

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1 minute ago, nauseus said:

How many instances like this have you seen? I was being truthful.


The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 - more spending - expected to pass next week.


The U.S. is in a technical recession using the commonly accepted parameters used historically. It's only the Democrats and the Fed that have suddenly decided they want to change them - LOL.

I just cited the people who actually are responsible for declaring a recession. And you come back at me with this.  Maybe you should follow the link. You might learn something. For instance that the Democrats and the Fed have changing nothing about how inflation is decided.


As for the inflation reduction act of 2022, it's called that because it will collect more in taxes than it will spend. Which is anti-inflationary. (Maybe you should pass the word along to Liz Truss.) Among other things, it will increase the budget for the IRS which will allow more tax cheats to be prosecuted. The chief of the IRS has said tax evasion costs the US 1 trillion dollars per year. Yet for some reason, Republicans have consistently slashed the IRS' budget. They claim that they want the govt to be run more like a business, but they slash funding to a potentially huge profit center. Wonder why? And there are people who accuse the Democrats of being backed by the swamp?

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3 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Do that mean you concede that he used the peaceful word?

Trump said a lot of things. But when the rioters invaded the Capitol he did nothing. To your way of thinking what speaks louder action (or in this case inaction) or words?

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10 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Although, from your link 


That was after data Thursday showed gross domestic product fell at a 0.9% annualized rate in the second quarter after a 1.6% drop in the first three months of the year. He declined to comment on the current economy.



The nonpartisan panel, which was established in 1978 by former Ronald Reagan adviser and NBER president Martin Feldstein, typically takes about a year to decide on a recession call and sometimes almost twice as long. "

But these referees specifically reject the notion that 2 declines in GDP mean a recession. Especially when the decline in the 2nd quarter was entirely due to decreased inventory which amounted to 2%. It's not a recession when hiring is still so strong. 

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9 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

That’s not correct.




That said, I don’t believe Trump will be charged with ‘Treason’.


Sedition, conspiracy to defraud the US, conspiracy to disrupt the lawful business of government, witness tampering, unlawful removal of state secrets, tax evasion, wire fraud,  yes, treason, no.


Not even the Rosenbergs were charged with treason, though in his pre (death) sentencing summary Judge Kaufman did explicitly refer to the Rosenberg’s treason.


And there’s the rub.


Regardless of what the legally and constitutional definition of treason is there is an equally valid lay understanding of treasonous acts that absolutely do have a place in discussion of Trump’s behavior.



Although the protests at Capital hill  were not an act of war and the protestors were not an enemy , so  your definition of treason doesn't fit.

   As I have previously stated , it would need to be a act of war by an enemy for it to be treason .

   If it was an act of reason, which is such a serious offence that it carrys the death penalty , why hasnt Trump be arrested and charged ?

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Just now, Mac Mickmanus said:

Although the protests at Capital hill  were not an act of war and the protestors were not an enemy , so  your definition of treason doesn't fit.

   As I have previously stated , it would need to be a act of war by an enemy for it to be treason .

   If it was an act of reason, which is such a serious offence that it carrys the death penalty , why hasnt Trump be arrested and charged ?

I already stated I do not believe Trump will face any charges of Treason.


You need to re-read what the Constitution has to say about Treason, ‘an act of war’ is not a necessary pre-requisite to bring charges of Treason.


Trump is very clearly under investigation by the DoJ, I suggest waiting for the outcome of those investigations.




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6 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Although the protests at Capital hill  were not an act of war and the protestors were not an enemy , so  your definition of treason doesn't fit.

   As I have previously stated , it would need to be a act of war by an enemy for it to be treason .

   If it was an act of reason, which is such a serious offence that it carrys the death penalty , why hasnt Trump be arrested and charged ?

Actually, you've got it 100% wrong. Treason is when a citizen of a country betrays their country.  I remember being amused when various parties accused Assange of being a traitor to America. As was pointed out by numerous commentators, you can't be a traitor to a the USA if you're a citizen of Australia.

You could look this stuff up:

the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.


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10 minutes ago, placeholder said:

I just cited the people who actually are responsible for declaring a recession. And you come back at me with this.  Maybe you should follow the link. You might learn something. For instance that the Democrats and the Fed have changing nothing about how inflation is decided.


As for the inflation reduction act of 2022, it's called that because it will collect more in taxes than it will spend. Which is anti-inflationary. (Maybe you should pass the word along to Liz Truss.) Among other things, it will increase the budget for the IRS which will allow more tax cheats to be prosecuted. The chief of the IRS has said tax evasion costs the US 1 trillion dollars per year. Yet for some reason, Republicans have consistently slashed the IRS' budget. They claim that they want the govt to be run more like a business, but they slash funding to a potentially huge profit center. Wonder why? And there are people who accuse the Democrats of being backed by the swamp?

Most credible economists seem content with the two quarter down rule. And they still are. Spin it as you like. We can see next year.


Like all the Democrat spending it will end up costing more than it saves. Spending is still spending and with this high amount of debt and inflation its wrong right now.



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Just now, nauseus said:


Most credible economists seem content with the two quarter down rule. And they still are. Spin it as you like. We can see next year.


Like all the Democrat spending it will end up costing more than it saves. Spending is still spending and with this high amount of debt and inflation its wrong right now.

Not at al. It is usually the case that 2 quarters of GDP decline indicate a recession. But that's because unemployment typically rises as well. Unemployment is actually the most important factor in indicating a recession. Because it's the one the most affects the lives of citizens. But not only is it very low, but there are actually lots of jobs going begging in the current economy. Employers are complaining that they can't find workers. Now, if you're the kind of right winger who puts profits over people, (and is there really in fact any other kind?) maybe the current situation would correspond to your idea of a recession. But I don't agree. And neither do the experts.

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32 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Although the protests at Capital hill  were not an act of war and the protestors were not an enemy , so  your definition of treason doesn't fit.

   As I have previously stated , it would need to be a act of war by an enemy for it to be treason .

   If it was an act of reason, which is such a serious offence that it carrys the death penalty , why hasnt Trump be arrested and charged ?

You keep stating stuff that is totally wrong.

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