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Expat hopes dashed -  Brit retirees have to tighten purse strings again after baht strengthens


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22 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

There's only so much the UK economy can grow with influxes of foreign refugees that get clothed, fed and housed at the taxpayers' expense. Thousands more rocking up in dinghies daily and more to come from Afghanistan. 


All fine and well being philanthropic but simply not sustainable. 

well said that man this is the best post I've read on here in a long time .. reality is UK is finished almost third world status  turn the lights out you are done .. 

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26 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

It isn't only the UK taking refugees. The UK has a huge amount of debt and now they are attacking the triple lock on pensions (hit the weakest as usual), pretty desperate if you ask me, the UK already has the worst pensions of the major European countries.

work us till we drop then pay us peanuts ..not even enough peanuts to live on. UK keep it its finished..keep your illegals ill keep doing my 90 report 

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Aware that this is about Baht but you need a basket of currencies to compare the real picture.

The UK expats will complain & bitch whatever happens.

When I started working here I was getting 14.85 Baht for an Oz $ so I still thing anything better than that is a winner 555

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I am not involved in the Brit to Thai Exchange  rate but I do receive regular reports on the major currency fluctuations.

In recent weeks the Thai Baht has strengthened after a decrease while the UK Pound has dropped.  Result is a combined negative for Brits in Thailand importing currency after a period of time when the opposite was more or less true.

While there is never too much information disclosed on what influences the Thai Baht there is often quite clear information about influences on the Pound which recently  has not been so optimistic.

The ongoing impact of the pandemic and the continued fallout of Brexit is having more impact than the rather more historic accusations of immigrant issues.


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The amount of absolute nonsense written by 80% is mind boggling including the actual OP itself

How many times lol does it take for people to grasp that there are two currency pairings in every transaction bar the Dollar/Baht Benchmark


How are people actually allowed to apply for passports lol



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some retirees living a Dickens Macawber existence are they ? in constant financial anxiety…..

its pitiful really, when living costs here are so low, that currency exchange rates, which we cannot control,affect day to day budgets…


macawber said ” income & expenditure 20 shillings = happy; income 20 shillings, spend 20 shillings & sixpence = miserable”…..


perhaps cutting the booze / fags/ drugs would be of actual practical help or eating fresh veg & fish not burgers or imported tinned foods ………

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10 hours ago, Harveyboy said:

well said that man this is the best post I've read on here in a long time .. reality is UK is finished almost third world status  turn the lights out you are done .. 

Seems to be a contradiction in your post. You write it's the best post and then you refer to reality. The reality is that the pound has been doing very well for the past year at least and yet somehow its valuation reflects problems with immigrants?

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12 hours ago, Scouse123 said:

Some live way too close to the edge!


Some Brits don't seem to understand that the state pension is the minimum the British government deems a person can live on in old age. It is up to us in our working lives to build up a private pension or have other sources of income for our retirement.


Many plan for this and others feel they can live very well in poorer countries on state pensions but then moan like hell when there is the fluctuations in the exchange rates.


State pension isn't there to support Birmingham Bill's bar girls, Sang Som or Singha beer habits.







correct, i dont know anyone who hasn't made additional financial arrangements for their post work life, it's a no brainer.

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I filled upp my car for years for a 500 baht note, never more, same for groceries, never pay more, so rising gas prices, the baht rate or inflation doesn´t affect me. Easy peasy to beat rising costs when you have studied macro economics.

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On 9/2/2021 at 7:14 PM, jonclark said:

Now who would have thought that - The Thai baht drops in value against all major currencies as Thailand starts a major 'wooing' campaign to get foreign tourist back.....and there was me thinking Thailand being on the US watchlist of currency manipulators was just the US Thai bashing again? 



I think the situation in Afghanistan may have caused a temporary glitch, happens a lot when ever something military happens, or

Elon Musk causes a bit coin drop 

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