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A Little House on the Thai Prairie - is it really too much to ask?


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33 minutes ago, Purdey said:

The Thai government will not discriminate against certain foreigners due to the uproar it would cause. Not sure why white guys are happy to suggest such things when back home no government would dare. The Thai government is fair enough to discriminate against all foreigners as a whole.

Anyone who remembers Russian oligarchs and Saudi princes buying up London properties will know how the locals got quite upset (jealous maybe a better description).

An usufruct agreement on property in Thailand guarantees you won’t get kicked out within 30 years at least, by which time you will have passed on to the the land of free pastures.

Congratulations on the most rational and factual quote of the day on the subject.

Our home, adjoining land, other land and two business’s have my name on them by way of usufruct.

Somehow I don’t see myself reaching one hundred years old and not sure if I want to and in the meantime if things go “ mango shaped” to quote Rooster which I doubt, I will take my chances arguing for a fifty percent split in the Divorce Court.



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As I see it, the Thai government wants to raise one trillion Baht over the next five years and selling parcels of land to wealthy foreigners is thought to be a good way to do it. The question for me is why? One answer I can think of is that there is a big empty hole in the state coffers which needs to be refilled

A better way to raise a trillion Baht would surely be to look where all the tax revenue is going at the moment. I don't know what the figures are for corruption in Thailand but I bet it's high enough to keep the coffers well stocked.

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1 hour ago, Purdey said:

The Thai government will not discriminate against certain foreigners due to the uproar it would cause. Not sure why white guys are happy to suggest such things when back home no government would dare. The Thai government is fair enough to discriminate against all foreigners as a whole.

Anyone who remembers Russian oligarchs and Saudi princes buying up London properties will know how the locals got quite upset (jealous maybe a better description).

An usufruct agreement on property in Thailand guarantees you won’t get kicked out within 30 years at least, by which time you will have passed on to the the land of free pastures.

A lease can be for 30 years , a usufruct is for your lifetime but in a diviorce the court takes control and can order you out from the home and a 50/50 split of marital assests.

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probably a good way to look at it is to see how Australia has dealt with foreign land ownership - and look at the percentages.


Over 80% of Australians think Chinese have caused property prices to rise - this is incorrect,


One problem in Oz is foreigners can't buy old stock they can only invest in new.

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How about the umpire raising an arm with one extended finger in response to an appeal of Howzat! for LBW or a run-out?



(if baseball's your game LBW is leg before wicket, nothing to do with lesbians or bi).

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6 hours ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

Jesus  how  hard  is it to  put in a NO  CHINESE  CLAUSE THEN

Rampant Rabbit , you have the wrong end of the chopstick my friend.... when TAT measures success by number of tourists / visitors and not be a sensible metric say like  "local spend per tourist head" then plane and shiploads of Chinese tourists arriving will always be the flavour

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Like Peter Pan.
"Every Time A Child Says "I Don't Believe In Fairies" There Is A Fairy Somewhere That Falls Down Dead"

With 'Conspiracy Theories."
Every Time A Person Is Told That They, "Shouldn't Believe The Conspiracy Theory" There Is Truth Somewhere That Falls Down Dead."

Too often nowadays, yesterday's "conspiracy theory" becomes today's 'fact.
Propaganda - in whatever form, seeks to pull the outliers toward the center - towards the 'commonly accepted narrative.'  The trouble being, too often the commonly accepted narrative eventually gets shot full of holes and is in fact not the truth.

Is there "whacko <deleted>" out there?  Sure.  Is all "whacko <deleted>" false?  Nope.  Over time, the Truth, like cream, rises to the top.  It just takes time.

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35 minutes ago, maxcorrigan said:

Always surprises me when someone as Rooster has mentions "Sarcasm as being the lowest form of wit" by Oscar Wilde, they never mention the rest of the quote being " Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, and the highest form of intelligence" which puts a totally different light to the saying which is usually used as a putdown!

And 'editing' hides 'truths.'


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6 hours ago, Pedrogaz said:

Keep it as it is. Personally I never understood the sentimentality of Brits (especially) on this issue. I'm 68, I have a renewable for a total of 90 years.....I'll be dead and gone before the lease expires. I don't care whether I actually 'own' the land.

No children ?

Edited by Bebop77
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