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Thai woman in Denmark “Happy to be deported”


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1 hour ago, JayClay said:

Don't all countries do this? How else can you force somebody to leave? "Yes you must leave the country now, please purchase a plane ticket at your convenience..."?

You should try IDC? ???? It will surely be an experience of a lifetime.

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1 minute ago, Neeranam said:

The women made it bearable for me in Scandinavian countries, especially when wearing a kilt. Danish women are certainly more beautiful than British, or Thai ones. Probably as the Vikings stole all the quality women and left the ugly ones behind.  

With all due respect, even german women look better than british, I dare to say, even some of my childhood mates looked better than a british gal.


As for the danish women.

They are ok, but swedish are far prettier.

But cannot compare with Central and Eastern Europe.

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2 hours ago, Ohyesuare said:

She also might not have to repay any remaining "debts" she still owes to the traffickers in Denmark who brought her to the massage parlor and most likely held on to her passport which also could be attributing to her happiness.

If she was a victim of human trafficking she shouldn't be sent to prison for a month or banned from the Schengen countries for 5 years.


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1 minute ago, RafPinto said:

your a half decent looking bloke, dress nicely, smell nice, talk nice, i.e. have the gift of the gab, your already half way there...


Thanks mate. I didn't know that you know me so well.

Hanhom man, not everyone same same, me hanhom man, evelly body love me.

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2 hours ago, Yorkshire Tea said:

Not here in Thailand!


53 minutes ago, Gottfrid said:

You should try IDC? ???? It will surely be an experience of a lifetime.

Ah yes. Clearly I was wrong. It's been known to happen from time to time ????.


I guess in first world countries, however, the cost of detaining somebody for any length of time would probably be greater than the cost of purchasing a flight for them.

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2 hours ago, Ohyesuare said:

most likely held on to her passport which also could be attributing to her happiness.

You don't think that might have come up in the court hearing, if that was the situation? Also how does losing ones passport causes you to get stranded in a country for years? It complicates things, you have to visit an embassy, but it doesn't prevent you from leaving.

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36 minutes ago, JayClay said:


Ah yes. Clearly I was wrong. It's been known to happen from time to time ????.


I guess in first world countries, however, the cost of detaining somebody for any length of time would probably be greater than the cost of purchasing a flight for them.

Ok, you are a first world guy! Dear Sir, nice to meet you. It was a pleasure. Just two things more. How can you be in or have an interest in such a low culture and lesser class of a country like Thailand? Isn´t that below you as a first world citizen?

(The cost is greater to keep people detained for Thailand too, but they are doing the right thing! People that do not care about the rules and laws in a foreign country they come to, should feel the punishment of incarceration and digging for freedom in their own wallets.)

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6 minutes ago, JayClay said:

Jeeez. People on this forum really like to argue about anything, huh?


I personally don't believe it wise to cut off your own nose just to spite your face, nor do I believe in the practice of trying to extract blood from a stone.


Detaining somebody in the country, who you want out of the country, at cost to the taxpayer makes little logical sense in my view.

Try saying that to a Thai.

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5 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Wonder if she worked happily and voluntarily or was forced into the life as a massage prostitute. If the later then no wonder she is happy to return home. If the first then well hopefully she made some serious cash to return with.

My wife's niece went to Denmark (and South Korea) for a massage company a couple of years ago.  They send them with tourist visas that usually last for six months.  They seem to be quite well organised for an illegal activity and the girls go willingly.  They get a proportion of the money they earn but I am told that most of them do it more for the "extras".  Apart from the usual tips they often get gifts and potential husbands.


The niece said that if twelve girls went then there were always some that don't return,  finding a mug..... I mean lover to take care of them.  She had several proposals of marriage and came back from South Korea with three different diamond engagement rings.  It doesn't work for all of them and girls have been known to disappear.  The niece was given a hard time when the family found out what she had been doing and won't be off again any time soon!

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4 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

What's the wife's niece doing now? Asking for a friend.


PS: Any pictures?

  According to the latest World Happyness Report : Denmark is ranked second, after Finland.South Korea is way down, 61st in the world.Thailand holds an honorable 54th place on the list...so, using an aristotelian syllogism, we might say, if she does not want to return to Thailand, obviously the gal is considering Denmark.


Perhaps Finland, depending her relation to blueberries.

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3 hours ago, drenddy said:

As for the lady, I feel for her.

For a thai, is very difficult to adapt in a cold, unfriendly and dark country as Denmark.

Even worse, if she was living in a Jutland.That place is a <deleted>hole.

Many years ago I paid the airfare for my fiance's mother to return to Thailand from Hungary. Basically she wasn't being paid, had her passport taken off her etc. I think she had gone over there to work as a cook/chef.

Thai (and Indian etc) people's experiences overseas can be way less enjoyable than ours are in Thailand!

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7 hours ago, law ling said:

Thereby teaching others that breaking immigration and (I presume) labor laws there will just get you deported (and no other penalty?) ... almost makes it worth a try.

15 days in a Danish prison won't do her any harm, probably better conditions than she has been used to.

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6 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Wonder if she worked happily and voluntarily or was forced into the life as a massage prostitute. If the later then no wonder she is happy to return home. If the first then well hopefully she made some serious cash to return with.

Probably already sent the bulk of it back home to subsidise the family?

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5 hours ago, drenddy said:

Welcome to the danish way of thinking.Denmark, always numero uno, the pinnacle of human achievement.


They pay actually lot more.Lately, they didn't want some of the afghans, who worked for/with the Danish Army (which, of course, is the best in the world) and payed the brits to take them.


Not everyone is welcomed in the world's happiest nation.



Daneland has an army? When did this happen? That’s one of them Belgium-esque non-countries that hasn’t really done much for the world, innit? ????

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